Chapter Twenty Nine

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It was three days after the party and it was finally time for Maya to go back to Arizona.
She had grown to love the Castle, the gardens and especially the library.
When the king had gotten better, she and him had spent countless hours in the library talking about books and reading them.
She told him about some of her favorite books too from home, using her good narrating skills to give him detailed explanations.
Like how Snape was good but managed to trick Voldemort into trusting wholeheartedly in him, like how putting a cigarette between your lips but not lighting it gave you some form of power over it, like how being divergent was way better than being in Amity.
Those were very very fine times but she knew she had to go back home.
She felt a pull, something in her just wanted to go back and start a new chapter of her life.

She spent the last few hours of her day with her friends. She had already spoken to the king about her decision, she had spoken in length to Sahlee and Old Kita as well. They thought it was alright for her to go.
Sozee and Sahlee would go back to the FEDGE lands with Kip and Kieran. Ash and Nebbia would stay in the Castle along with Old Kita.

The drop zones had been abandoned and all the people there had migrated to the main lands where there were more facilities that were in better condition
The traps had been destroyed and the Seasonals had mellowed. Now it was just a beautiful place with different climates, it wasn't as harmful as it was at first. She had gone to see it, it was definitely a place she would miss when she left. It was times like this that she wished she could draw or that she had a camera or her phone ( Thank you universe for not bringing her phone back.)

There were no barriers between the other lands and the tell tale lands had more control and peace now.
Sure, Jack was still killing giants and Aladdin was still running from guards but there was a particular community feel about it all. Not as chaotic as it was the first time Maya had seen it.
All the lands came under the Haizen Kingdom, ruled by King Monray and Queen Lilian.
The lands had become as beautiful as Old Kita said they had been in the times before Faye.
Everything seemed to shine and grow.
It was truly beautiful now.


They had all gathered in the throneroom.
They wanted to say goodbye to Maya before she left. She spent countless minutes hugging a weeping Sozee, reminding her to not let anyone make her feel inferior.

She bent and hugged Will "Be good alright!"
He nodded at her with a large smile. She hadn't spoken to him much, she wished she had. He was such a darling.

She hugged Ash, wishing him the best in life and telling him that he should try to relax sometimes. She overheard him speaking to Nebbia, telling her that he spoke few words because he had a speaking impediment as a child. It had made speaking difficult as he grew and even though everything was fine now he usually lapsed into long periods of silence, as if he still had the problem.
She felt sympathy, she wished she had known this sooner but she doubted it would have changed her opinion of him. She hugged him a little bit more.

She hugged Old Kita and Sahlee and Hartley, thanking them for all their help.

She hugged Nebbia. There were no words, they just hugged. Antagonists turned friends turned sisters. There were no words that could be exchanged between the two of them in this moment.

She looked Kieran in his green eyes as she made her way towards him. He had been her first friend in this place, her first helper. Words would never be enough. "I'll come visit you guys soon, Kieran." She whispered into his ears. Her voice sounding scratchy with the effort she was using to make sure she didn't cry. "I'll be waiting for you Maya. I miss your eye rolling already"
He said this softly as if he knew she was fighting tears. Maybe he did, he was always so perceptive.
She tried to laugh but found that she couldn't as she disengaged herself from him.

She gave him a small smile as she made her way to the throne where the king and Queen were sitting. As everyone stood behind, watching them.
Things between the King and her were slightly awkward when they weren't in the library because she was already an adult and they had missed a lot of bonding time because of the time that had been stolen from them but she didn't doubt that he loved her and all his other children. She didn't know what to say to him but she gave him a watery smile. He stood up and embraced her in a hug. He was still frail but he was getting stronger.

Before she even turned to her mother, the woman had thrown herself onto Maya.
Tears flowing freely. "Do you have to go Maya?"

Did she have to go?
Couldn't she stay here?

"Mom, please don't make me cry."
The taller woman wiped her eyes hastily "You're right, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Maya looked up at her mother, her hair had reverted back to its original color, with the grey streaks shining through. "Mom, dont ever dye your hair again. Ever. " She said softly.
The Queen laughed. "Yes Madam. " she replied.

Maya turned taking a deep breath. "Thank you all so much for everything. I love you all, and I will definitely see you all again. I'll miss you guys so so much."

She wished she had her phone. She would have taken a picture of them or something. Anyway to capture this moment forever.
Hartley rushed up to Maya "Sorry, Miss. I forgot to hand this over to you. Please open it when you get to the other side. "
She nodded.

"Maya, keep your watch on you at all times" Her mother's called out.
Maya laughed " With all your training, how can I remove it now?"

Finally Maya turned to the door that was hidden behind a curtain. She did what Old Kita had told her to do. She lifted her black watch to her mouth, feeling like a spy and said "Winslette, Arizona."
And she opened the door, turning to look at them one last time, some waving and some crying.
She stepped into the room.
Nothing happened for a second and she was about turning to go back when she started falling.

She landed awkwardly, minutes later on the hard ground and she groaned as she tried to sit up.
"These people need to work on their landing, jeez. "
Her surprise arrival had startled a dog which barked loudly and caused her to trip and fall again.

She stood up, aggressively pulling clumps of dirt from her hair as she made her way from the park to her home. She ignored a lot of looks that were thrown her way. Been there done that.

Back in the throne room, Sozee ripped herself from Aunt Sahlee's arms and run to the curtain, pushed it aside and open the door. Nothing in there but an empty room.


A week later Maya boarded the bus that would take her to the airport that would take her to the school of her dreams.
She couldn't wait to start her course on Psychology.
She was excited and she was nervous and she still missed her family terribly but she knew deep within that this was her place.

She smiled to herself as she hefted her suitcase into the bus and under her seat and made sure her camera was still hanging safely around her neck.
She leaned into her seat and placed her headphones on. She was in for a long ride.

A few steps away stood a woman.
She was petite, had short hair and was very very beautiful. A few people looked at her twice as they passed.
She watched the bus move away from where she stood and slowly, a beautiful smile adorned her face.

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