Chapter Twelve

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Maya, Kieran and Sozee saw a large angry mob approach them and they stepped to the side to avoid being trampled. The mob included a lot of women and men holding torches and pitchforks. They were chanting "KILL THE BEAST!" and "LET'S SAVE BELLE!"

Leading the mob was a handsome and vain looking man with a strong voice. They marched ahead and Maya shook her head as she breathed out heavily. This was something she would love to watch on TV with her feet up on a table and a bowl of snacks on her lap. She didn't expect to ever experience some part of it by herself in real life.

The more chaos they passed through, the more grateful Maya felt. She was relieved that they had somewhere to stay.
Sure, Sozee was no perfect darling...seeing as she was currently attempting to torment Kieran to oblivion. She was pesky and quite irritating but she wasn't deadly.
And hopefully her house and house members wouldn't be deadly too.

Maya noticed something though, that the more they walked closer to where her house was supposed to be , the more subdued Sozee became. Her chatter reduced in measures until she was hardly talking at all. This was something she couldn't understand so she put it out of her mind.

She had been warned by her friends constantly to stop picking up people's issues and she had tried hard not to do that in this place since she had her own issues herself.
It was getting increasingly difficult as it seemed there were many things to solve in this place. Especially secrets.

Soon they reached a simple looking bright pink house.
Sozee turned to face them and hesitated. She looked a bit uneasy.
" mother can be a bit crazy as I've told you already... and I doubt my sisters will be home"

Maya paused, waiting to see if the girl would say anything more.

"Sure Sozee, is that all?"

She shook her head lightly
"I also have a pet. It's a creature"

"Um.... Weird.... but okay, is it a dog?" Maya quizzed.

It wasn't a dog. It couldn't be a dog.
It was more like a purple baby bear with large glassy eyes and huge bat like ears.
As soon as Sozee opened the door, the beast ran out and landed on her. She wasn't hurt though, Maya could hear her giggling under the animal as it licked her face.
The doll like girl was able to finally get up, while patting the beast.
"This is my creature, Kip"
Kieran hummed "Is the creature a Kip or is that its name?"
Maya wondered the same thing too
"That's its name silly" she batted her eyes at him.
Cue an eye roll from Maya.
Sozee turned and opened the door.
They followed her inside the house. It was a very beautiful place on the inside but quite.....impersonal.
Well, Maya didn't know how houses in these places looked like but this one felt cold and it just made Maya feel uncomfortable. There were no photos or random items especially for a house in which such a large 'creature' lived . The place was pristine, almost perfect.

Curiouser and curiouser

Kieran and Maya cringed, with Kieran pushing his hands quickly over his ears. Sozee, maybe being used to this behavior merely took a deep breath and shouted back, equally as loud. " IT'S JUST ME AND SOME FRIENDS MOTHER!!!!"

She really couldnt hear that?

Maya was certain her ears would never recover from the shock again
Thankfully they didn't hear from the freaky lady again.
Despite Sozee's earlier behavior she showed them that she was actually a very good host.
She was very amicable and showed them around some of the rooms downstairs. Maya eyed Sozee weirdly, wondering where the loud and annoying girl had gone to.
"These rooms will be yours and the bathroom is right here, down the hall. I shall be bringing up some food soon."
Sozee turned and walked away, her long hair moving slightly at her back.

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