Chapter Seventeen

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The four people and Kip began the last leg of their journey from where they were to the FEDGE lands then to the drop zone to see the wisest.
Maya was tingling with anticipation and also... heavy disappointment.
Disappointment that Kieran wouldn't be going with them. She had kind of gotten over the fact that he planned on trading her like a contraband good. She wouldn't have allowed him to do that without a fight. It would have hurt her to find out that way though so she was kind of alright that she had found out in a slightly less aggressive way.

It would just be her and Nebbia making the journey after they passed the FEDGE lands.
She and Nebbia weren't the best of buddies but at least they didn't hate each other now.
That was a relief and would be a big plus if they happened to need each other's help along the way.

She hadn't spoken to Kieran since he told her what he had wanted to tell her.
She had rather walked next to Sozee who was seated on Kip , her injury had been slowing her down big time.
Thankfully she was a dainty girl so she wasn't so heavy for Kip even in his usual form. Maya couldn't believe this creature could become even bigger. She shuddered a bit then glanced at the docile creature who had behaved like a domestic dog the whole time.
She wondered if she could get a creature like him off the black market in her world or something. She laughed slightly then remembered the periods where Kieran pretended to talk to Kip just to annoy her. This memory soured her mood quickly.

Together they all walked and walked until they found that they had arrived right across the threshold of the FEDGE lands.

It was so easily noticeable.
A short man with crooked fingers sat on a Kip-like beast that was green in color.
Running nearby were two little girls who kept throwing little lightning bolts from their fingers at each other and giggling.

This was the place for the weird and unaccepted. This was the place for the free.
And when Maya looked at Kieran, she saw the look of relief and joy on his face before she quickly looked away. Even Nebbia let down her hood, showing her features to the wide weird world of the FEDGE people.

They walked right in without anyone even batting an eyelash at them. Sozee perked up considerably, and Maya remembered why it seemed she was familiar with this place. Sozee had come here before so she was comfortable here.
"Let's go straight to my aunt's place, Kip knows the way!"

And so they went, Sozee balancing her arm awkwardly as Kip led them to their destination. She did not complain about the pain even though the arm must be hurting and Maya's heart went out to her.

She was slightly distracted by the sights though. All around them they saw the weird and the wonderful, winged women, men in long robes and pointy hats.
This was what Kieran wanted and Maya would be an awful friend for letting him feel bad for wanting a better story for himself. She had forgiven him already and hated herself slightly for forgiving him so easily.
But what good would holding a grudge do for her over here. Kieran had intended to pawn her away, yes but he hadn't and he had helped them on the large part of the journey they had already been on. If he wanted to stop here, she didn't have the right to force him to continue going with them.

Maya looked around again. Everything was as dynamic and bright as the tell tale lands was but not as chaotic.
Soon they were in front of a large house with a small gate right in front of it. Maya didn't know Sozee was well, rich. Kip pushed the gate open with its head and they entered the courtyard.
"Auntieeeeeeeeee!" Sozee screeched. The three others winced, giving Maya some serious déjà vu of when they went to Sozee's house the first time.

There was a loud bang then sounds from inside the house then another bang. Then Sozee's aunt appeared.

Sozee was the spitting image of the woman. Same long blonde hair, same big brown eyes, same lithe build.
The lady took off her gardening gloves and placed them in the pocket of the apron she was wearing

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