Chapter Thirty

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It was night again and Sahlee woke up, unable to sleep anymore.
Thankfully this time, her hair had stayed in the tight braid she had made for it.

She was concerned about what the Queen had told her earlier in the day, a few days after Maya had left.
Apparently, on the day of the Ball Faye had managed to escape from her cell and all they found in the dungeon cell was a brown boat hat with a blue ribbon around it.
They were panicking but they didn't want to destroy the semblance of peace in the kingdom.
The people had suffered enough trauma and the Queen didn't want them to hear about this too soon. It would send the people into a frenzy, no one would trust in the authority and power of the King and Queen again. In a way the kingdom would be lost again. Everyone who knew this was worried but they had one consolation. At least, Maya was safe in Arizona, Faye would never think to go there.
That was the only thing that was making the Queen a bit calm. They would figure this out.


Sahlee crossed Sozee's room where she was snoring loudly and rolling many times across the bed in her sleep. Sahlee laughed everytime she saw Sozee doing that. Highly amusing.
She found herself in her library again.
She sat down at the table, going to continue the book she had started to read earlier in the day when a parchment fell out.
She bent to pick it up and then rolled it open.
She squinted, trying to see in the darkness then smiled as she recognized the words splashed across the page.
"A disparate group of five
One, A will to thrive
in an unfamiliar place
Two, to have a memory
Of all the shrouded faces
Three, to find what was lost
And to return to normalcy
Four, to serve as an aid
to help everyone be free
Five, to stand up to an evil
and to see the beauty.
A disparate group of five
On a journey
To lands and lands and lands
A non human aide and some treachery
Friendships formed and deceptions revealed.
Years of dominance, broken.
The former shall become the present and the present shall become outlawed and the modern shall become royal.
And the five shall become the ones"

She laughed to herself as she read through it over and over again.
It was so obvious now.
The five friends were Maya, Sozee, Kieran, Ash and Nebbia.
They had traveled through three different lands to bring the kingdom back to normal. Kip was the non human aide and Faye was probably the treacherous one because most of the people had no idea that she was the cause of the whole mess.
The ten years of dominance that Faye had forced upon them was finally broken.
The former King and Queen had been reinstated and Faye had become an enemy to the kingdom. Maya, the only stranger had turned out to be a member of the royal family. She had wanted to find her mother and go back home but she had found her kingdom instead.

Kieran wanted to grow in the FEDGE lands and he got his wish, Nebbia wanted to remember her memories but she got her life back. Ash helped them bring victory to the kingdom and Sozee just wanted to be able to see herself as beautiful again.

It all made sense now.

She paused at the last line, trying to make sense of that one.
It came to her like lightning. The five of them had become something like celebrities in the main lands. Parents told their children stories about what happened and people called them 'The ones who fixed the kingdom.'
It was quite long to say. So it was shortened.
They were the ones who had brought back everything.
They were known as just 'The ones'
Sahlee smiled as she got up.
All this thinking had made her tired.
She yawned as she made her way to her room, tripping slightly on her own feet.

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