Chapter Nineteen

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Maya looked around and was immediately taken with the quiet and cordial atmosphere of the whole place. It felt like the main lands but without the invisible tension squeezing her neck. She didn't even know she had felt that way about the main lands until after she had left the place. There was something off about that place and she didn't want to think about whether Faye was involved or not. Faye couldn't be a bad person, Maya's senses never failed her... Usually.
The three stood together again, unsure of how to move forward when they were approached by a smiling blond boy with bright eyes.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Maya turned to face him, thanking her stars that he had approached them instead of the other way around. He was a bit smallish and he looked young but he was probably one of those kids who were short one time and then grew extra tall the next time you looked at them.

"Hey little guy.."
He crossed his arms, his fake sword hanging over the other arm.
"I'm not little. I'm twelve "
Okay, pre-teen vibes. Cool

"Okay, not so little guy. We're looking for the wisest, could you please direct us?"

The boy furrowed his brows in a way that made Maya's heart move wildly in her chest.
Then his expression cleared up
"Oh you must mean old Kita ?"

Maya nodded fervently, she didn't care what the wisest called himself or herself, she would take it that way.
"Alright then, follow me. " And the sprightly boy led them, moving in a way that reminded Maya a little bit of Sozee without the plenty chatter. He was so bubbly and friendly that he even brought a smile to Nebbia's otherwise stoic face.  They received a few curious looks from people but not as harsh as Maya had received when she was in the main lands.

He led them to a hut that was surrounded by a group of other huts.
"Wait here. " he explained, waving his hands at them.
Then he parted the curtains and entered.
Maya rubbed her palms in anticipation and Nebbia stood alert. Their answer was coming soon. 

The blonde boy came out of the hut first, smiling and then the curtain parted again.
Out came a young man, as tall as Kieran but with Black hair instead of brown and a stern face instead of a smiling one. He looked intimidating.

That was the wisest!???

"You're the wisest?!" Maya spluttered
His eyes shot to hers, he barely moved his head.
"And is there a problem if I am? " He had a gruff voice.

"I think she expected someone older...." Kieran threw in.

"No intruders from outside the drop zones are allowed here!" He growled.

Maya pleaded " Wait, please. We just need a short moment of your time, we've traveled from so far away."
She felt her heart sinking within her, this wasn't going as expected. Why was everything against them?

Suddenly the curtain lifted again and the moody guy shifted to the side as an old lady came out.
Her hair was all grey, wavy hair and straight hair all together. She had a wide knowing smile and a simple brown dress.
Maya breathed out with her hand on her head, she had almost gotten an instant headache. Maybe this seemingly nice old lady would talk sense into the man who had almost sent them back with no answers.
"Ash... What have I told you about lying to visitors?."

He was not the wisest then?
Of course not! He was way too young, it was definitely this lady.

The guy--Ash, crossed his arms and looked to the side as if he was thinking.
"Hmm... I don't think I remember. Come on Will, let's go"
He took the blond bubbly boy away to a nearby cottage and they disappeared inside
Okay, so Ash and Will, new names that stuck in Maya's head almost instantly.

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