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                                                                                             Thoughts / Talking                                       

                                                                                                    Jerry Pov:

Wha-what is this scent? Jerry tries to hold his balance, the thick aroma of Alpha hanging in the air as the mouse tries to catch his breath. He stumbled against the wall when he suddenly heard the echo of footsteps coming down the hall. *Huff* "Wh-Who is" *Huff* "There?" his vision got blurry, but he could make out a tall gray male.* Whisper* "Tom..." leaning over him the cat whispered... "Don't worry little mouse...I will be sure to take EXSTRA good care of you...."

                                                                                the day before / 3d person pov

It's a beautiful day at Toon Academy, the school and dorms are decorated in balloons and streamers. The Seniors handing out pamphlets to the newcomers and freshmen. The plain was crowded with different races, Cats, Mice, Dogs, Bunnies, Birds, you name it. One mouse however was alone, his name is Jerry, a freshman, and it's the first time he set foot on University grounds. He was strolling through the furries, admiring the trees and buildings on his way to the dorms. He was absent-mindedly thinking how this year was going to change his life when it hit him. He walked into something, or should I say, someone? The bump caused Jerry to fall to the ground, "Sorry..." When Jerry looked up, he saw it, the thing that would change his life forever. A Cat. The cat had gray hair, green eyes, and a smirk that sent shivers down his whole being. "Oh, are you alright?" The cat held his hand out to the mouse. Jerry smiled and grabbed his hand to hoist himself up, unfortunately when he was halfway up, the hand lost its grip completely, causing Jerry to fall back to the ground. The cat burst out laughing, "How's the weather down there?" He laughed again and turned around, facing away from the mouse covered in dirt. Jerry glared at him, not saying a word. "Welcome to the University, Little mouse" And with that the Cat walked away, leaving a furious mouse behind. "Bastard...."

                                                                                     Tom Pov

Hahahahahaha that was hilarious!!!! *Satisfied sigh* Stupid mouse, his expression was priceless. Hmmm, he was cute tho? It's been so long since I had a good toy to play with.... *Smirk* Don't worry my little mouse... I will make sure you're taken good care of...

Later at the dorms/ Jerry Pov

Who the hell does he think he is?! Stupid cat! Mocking me like that, I hate him. Jerry was packing out the last of his things in his room, still cursing the cat from earlier when he heard a knock at the door. "Umm Hi!!" I looked up to see a dog? "Hey?" I could see he was nervous, but I smiled. "I saw you just moved in, I'm your neighbor, I just wanted to welcome you to the school" "Oh! Thanks umm?" he rubbed his neck *chuckle*, "Spike, My name is Spike, Second Year" I giggled, which seemed to make Spike even more embarrassed, but why? "Nice to meet you, Spike, I'm Jerry, First-year" He grinned. "So Jerry, since your new, I was wondering if you'd like to walk to school with me tomorrow, I could show you around a bit" "Yeah I'd love to!" "Great! Oh, you should get some rest, big day tomorrow" "Thanks, Goodnight Spike" I waved "Goodnight!!" He walked off to his room, I closed the door. Did I just make my first friend? Maybe things are looking up for me

                   The next day/ 3d person pov

Jerry met Spike the next morning at breakfast and walked to their classes together. On their way, they heard girls squealing and gathering in a group surrounding someone. "What's going on?" Jerry asked looking at Spike confused. *Annoyed sigh* "That Jerry, would be Tom's fangirls" Jerry cocked his head to a side "Who's Tom?" Spike pointed in the direction of the girls huddling together, "Tom is the school's cool cat, popular amongst all kinds of girls and he loves to bully mice" Jerry stood on his tippy toes to get a better view, and froze when he saw the cat surrounded by girls, was the same one he met yesterday, *Whisper* "So his name is Tom" "What?" Spike crouched down to the mouse's height. "Oh Nothing, Let's meet up after classes!!" Spike nodded and jogged off to his class.

                                                                           Later the day/ Jerry Pov

ughhhhhh finalllyyyyy!!! Class is over, that was soooo boring.... Well lets get outta here, Spike must be waiting already outside. I guess he's nice...Wait a minute... Jerry smelled the air but immediately regretted it, clasping his hand over his mouth and nose. T-This is an A-Alpha's pheromones!!! But it's so strong, and it's in school. I start to feel hot as the aroma got stronger, the person has to be close... I stumble back hitting the wall, Don't give in Jerry!! You may be an omega, but your better than this!! I heard footsteps coming my way, my vision got blurry, but I was able to make out the familiar figure, "T-T-Tom...."  My vision went black as I feel I'm passing out. The last thing I heard was a husky voice saying, "Don't worry little mouse, i'm going to take GOOD care of you..."

Greetings my fellow reader....

Thank you for reading the first chapter! Comment and vote if you think there should be changes made...

This story is dedicated to my friend who came up with the idea and asked me to write it

I hope you like it Neko-Kun

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