The Downfall Of A Prince?

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"Get in the car! We need to go now if we wanna get there before Roman wakes up!" Remus shouted at his friends. Soon they all packed into the car and were on their way to save an Emo.

At the Legacy Resort

Roman was fast asleep, so Virgil took this chance to sneak out of his room to find a blade. "Finally.. damn I've been craving this for days..." He mumbled to himself as he walked into the bathroom. Slowly he slid the blade across his wrist, feeling the sweet pain and warm blood drip down his arm. He repeated this action countless times until he was satisfied. He let the cuts bleed for a minute longer before he disinfected them with alcohol and bandaged them. As he exit the bathroom, he jumped back seeing a servant. "Geez! You scared me!" He yelled after he realized it was Camile, one of his friends. "What were you doing?" She asked darkly. "Using the bathroom." He deadpanned. "Show me your wrists." She commanded. He felt a sting of panic run through him. "Why?" The boy asked quickly. "Show me. Your arm." She commanded more sternly this time. "No!" He screamed as he ran down the hall to his room. As soon as he entered the room, he slammed and locked the door, then slid down it, using his body as a blocker. "Virgil.... Why would you keep cutting...?" The concerned girl asked through the door. "Because it helps.... I like to...."
"It's not healthy, boo.... You need to break that habit..."
"It's the only thing that makes me feel better...."
"What about Damian? And Remus? Don't you care about them? Don't they make you feel better? How do you think they'd feel if they knew you were still cutting?"
"Please..... For the people that care..... Stop cutting..."
"I'll try....."
"Thank you..."
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
"Remus?! Oh my God!" Virgil rushed to the window and pushed the glass open. "C'mon. Everyone is waiting in the car, the cops are on standby. Wake up the psycho. I'll tell them when to storm the place."
"What about Camile?"
"She wasn't an accomplice, was she?"
"Then she'll be fine. C'mon."
Virgil jumped into Remus' arms after shouting for Roman to wake up, and they quickly lowered themselves down the side of the building. Virgil immediately ran to Damian for comfort as Remus ordered the police to enter the building. "Oh thank god you're ok! What happened to your cheek?!" Damian yelled. "Oh yeah... I forgot about that.. Roman hit me..." Virgil replied dully. "...I'm gonna kill him." Damian snapped. "Babe! It's fine! The police are handling him! Let's just go home. I wanna cuddle. It's all over now. " Yeah... You're right... It's all over."

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