No fighting.

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Another day had already begun as Joey walked his way back home from yet another exhausting night shift. He could see the sun rise up between the summer clouds and felt a shiver run down his spine as the wind run through his blonde mop looking hair. He hadn't cut his hair for a while, so putting it up into a bun felt like a good idea, but it ended up just looking like a mop that had been used way too many times and then form it into some sort of a ball, but Joey didn't care, not today at least since he was dead tired.

"Sleeping on top of the school building it is then"

Joey thought out loud as he quickly went home to change into his school uniform. Things had been calm in the household ever since his father went to prison. However, he wasn't going to stay in prison for very long, but enough to keep Joey at pace, for a while at least.

"Curry, some rice and oh! A cookie should do for today."

He packed down his lunch and on his way to school it was.

He had visible bags under his eyes, but his bright and shiny smile could avoid any person from thinking that, that guy had just gone through a full month of night shifts and on top of that, going to school everyday.

Once he walked through the big gates of domino Highschool, he sighed out in relief that he was early for once in his life. He took another step and-


"Watch where you're going dog, or else you'll be crushed under my feet next time I see you standing in my way."

An arrogant, rich boy by the name of Seto Freaking Kaiba spoke those words with such hatred that anyone who was around could smell it in the air. Seto had just pushed Joey so hard that he had fallen to the ground.

Joey took a deep breath and stood back up. This wasn't the first time this had happened. They had been classmates for over a year now and Joey knew better then to just bark out.

"Listen here Kaiba-"

"Why did you stand back up? It suits you to be on the ground."

Seto cut Joey off before Joey even had the chance to be reasonable with him, and that was all it took to make Joey frantic.


Joey barked out and grabbed Seto by the shoulder. He rise his fist up and punched Seto right on the cheek.

Joey blinked. He was in total shock, and so was Seto Kaiba too. Never before had Joey managed to land a punch on Kaiba, and here they were, both looking at each other with confusion and shock in their eyes.


That was the principle, screaming out from his open window. A window that had the perfect view to see and hear it all.


Said the both males as they looked up at the principles window.

The both of them knew what was going to happen. They had gotten a warning just the other day that if they ever fought or made a scene again, they'll both get punished.

They walked up the stairs with heavy feet.
Walking up to their doom.

Once they got to the office, Joey lightly knocked on the door before walking in.


Seto's eye twitched out of anger from the fact that Joey took the first word to speak.

"Sir, with all do respect, I couldn't have possibly said anything that isn't just the truth. If he doesn't want to hear facts, then he shouldn't listen and just walk off."

Kaiba said right after Joey. He kept his eyes sharp on the principle who had just had enough of the two of them.

"Shut.... up. You've been fighting everyday for a whole year. Enough is enough. Separating you two doesn't help then forcing you two to get along must be the only solution."

The principle stopped talking and stood up to walk over to his book shelf and started to go through them one by one.

Joey and Seto took a moment to look at one another. They were both concerned, but still angry, so it didn't take long for Seto to kick Joey on the leg while the principle wasn't looking.

"That's for hitting me on the face."

Seto whispered out with a sharp tone in his voice.

Joey had bitten down on his lower lip and grunted as it was a painful kick, but not enough sound to make the principle look back on them.

"Don't think that's all I got to give. Just you wait, I'll show you my true strength."

Joey said and lift his leg up to punch him on the stomach, but Seto easily grabbed his leg and held it up high so that Joey would fall, but instead, Joey held on to Seto, and at that moment, the principle looked back at them.

"What are you two-"

"Eh, uh, um... I got a cramp! Yeah! I got a cramp and uh.. Kaiba said that this would work!"

Joey spat out and smiled widely. The principle looked at Kaiba, questioning if that was really what it was.

Seto just nodded and let go of Joey, crossing his arms together and leaning back against the wall instead.

The principle sighed and give them a book that could be described as being just as big as 3 Harry Potter books on top of each other.

"You two will work on a project together. This is supposed to be done by the 3th year of your school but you only have to the end of the semester to finish it. The assignment I give you is 'the world' which is a big concept, thus, this book."

Joey looked at the book with fear. Never in his life had he seen such a huge book before. Seto on the other hand was used to see piles and piles of documents, but was very bitter over the fact that he already knew that he was the one that was going to have to carry the both of them on this project.

"Every other week I want you two to present me your work so I know that both of you are doing this and not just one. Understood?"

The principle said while Joey took the book.



The both males left the principle office and took a moment to just breathe out.

"Let's talk about this at lunch hour."

Joey said and looked up at Seto, but by then, Seto had already started walking towards their class which they now were late too.


"Shut it Wheeler. We are late for class."

Oh man... this was going to be a very looooong and boring semester...

(Or so Joey thought.)

No Fighting. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora