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POV Xisuma

Xisumavoid, the Admin of Hermitcraft, was worried. And not about something normal, like glitches or getting his videos up on time. No, X was worried about Grian, the smallest member of their big dysfunctional family. The sweater-clad hermit had barely been seen by anyone in a week, and Mumbo Jumbo, the gremlin's best friend, had mentionned he wasn't acting like himself last time he saw him. Sure, Grian let people come and talk to him, he was still working on stuff around his base, but he was acting off, he wasn't hanging out with his friends for any amount of time, he wasn't instigating any conversations or pranks, and he hadn't uploaded a video in over a week. 

That, along with the lack of pranking, was what worried the admin the most. Grian loved  his fans, and was always trying to come up with interesting and funny content for them. It just didn't make sense that he would just disappear like that, without a word. Xisuma knew that if Grian didn't go back to normal soon, all the Hermits would get anxious, start talking. That, he knew, wouldn't help anyone. 

After a while of just sitting around and trying to think of a way to help Grian with the limited information he had, Beesuma decided to stretch his wings for a bit and go visit Mumbo. Maybe the redstoner would have more information on how to help the short hermit. 

time skip brought to you by the pEsKy BiRdS 

POV Mumbo

Bumbo Baggins was searching through his storage system, trying and failing to find his scaffolding (seriously! He was sure he still had some, WHERE WAS IT), when he heard a loud thump outside. Confused, he looked out the window, trying to find the source of the sound, and saw Xisuma in a groaning heap outside the door. He rushed outside to help. 

"Oh my lord, are you alright?" The redstoner quickly grabbed a potion of healing and handed it to him, noticing that the admin was having trouble standing up after his apparent fall. 

Quickly chugging the potion, the bee-skinned man got to his feet and answered his concerned friend. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you. My elytra broke just as I was about to land." He squinted at the crack in his helmet visor. 

"So what brings you here, X?" Mumbo asked his friend, "You usually don't come over unannounced, much less with a nearly broken elytra." 

"Sorry about that," Xisuma responded, "I just... needed to talk to you about something." 

"About what?" the hobbit asked, curious about the normally confident admin's hesitation. 

X paused, uncertainty in his eyes. "I-It's about Grian." He started, "You said he was acting off last time we talked, but I paid no mind to it until today, when I noticed that there haven't been any pranks coming from him in a while. I decided to check his latest video to see if he was planning something big, when I saw that he hasn't uploaded a video in two weeks, which is really unusual from him, seeing as he usually loves putting content out there and he didn't say anything about needing a break in his last video, and I was basically wondering if you knew anything more about it so we could maybe try to help him together?" 

Mumbo took a step back, his mind reeling. Grian isn't putting out any videos? But he loves making stuff for people to see, something is seriously wrong with him, how could I have noticed, I'm such a bad frien- he got interrupted from his thoughts by a concerned Xisuma nearly shouting his name to try and break him out of his panicked trance. 

"Mumbo. Mumbo! You good, man?" his friend asked sympathetically, worry in his voice. 

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine..." the hobbit trailed off, still half lost in his thoughts. He ran his hand through his messy hair, trying to clear his head. 

"To answer your question, all I know is that I haven't seen him any time recently, and the last time I did see him, which was a bit more than a week ago, he was acting closed off, not wanting to talk to much, but trying to act natural, and when I pushed for answers, he... kinda snapped. His eyes got dark and he was suddenly really cold to me." At this, Mumbo's eyes started to fill with tears. "He told me to leave, and when I said that I was trying to help him, he shouted at me to just leave him alone. I left at that point because I was a bit scared of what he might say if I stayed. I haven't gone back to talk to him since, but I thought he was over it by now, I didn't realize he-" 

"Mumbo," Xisuma interrupted, attempting to calm the hermit down. "It's not your fault, you did what you thought was best." Mumbo nodded, and looked at the ground. "Would you like to come with me to try and talk to him again?" X continued, trying to think of what could have happened to make Grian act like that towards his best friend. The redstoner nodded again, this time looking up at the admin with tears on his face. The armour-clad man felt his heart break at the desperate hope in his friends' eyes. 

"Then let's go."

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