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(Hi! Sorry this chapter was a bit later that the others, it was giving me some trouble. I don't have any of the story planned out before I start writing, so sometimes it takes me a while before I figure out where I'm going with the plotline. I know some of you are probably wondering when X and Mumbo are coming back, and all I can say is soon, because I don't know exactly. Probably next chapter. Enjoy!) 

No clue whose POV this is so you decide

Grian sat down in shock, but the Tango didn't notice as he finished the rest of his story. 

"Xelqua did help the newly created watchers," the storyteller continued. "He taught them how to use their new power and what they could do to stop the people they grew up beside without hurting them. Eventually, after lots of practice, they were ready. They stopped the Players from taking over the other dimensions. Peace was restored. 

"As far as I know, Xelqua was the only true Endborn, since the other Endwalkers came from the void magic. If the Dragon was in the End when creating the Wither, then Tristan would have been Endborn because of the type of magic used to create beings of such power. We generally just call all the Endwalkers by the name Endborn, though, to keep it simple. The Endwalkers include Watchers, Endermen, and Void Dragons like Ted. Oh, and certain admins also have void magic, so we group them in there as well. 

"I, along with the rest of my family, am Netherborn, which means I was truly born in the Nether. Netherborn really don't burn easily, we would pretty much have to completely submerge ourselves in lava for hours before it starts to hurt us at all. Netherborn Gargoyles, like myself, generally have red wings, horns and claws, and as you can see my eyes are completely red. Player-raised Gargoyles, meaning those from the Overworld, are also pretty rare, though not nearly as rare as Endborn ones. They usually have very pale blue, green or yellow wings, horns and claws, and their eyes are heterochromic with the two colours that they don't have. My guess would be that the colour for the Endborn is grey, or that might just be you, since there has never been another..." The redstoner trailed off there, finally realising that he did still have to breathe, and that his audience seemed more than a little lost. 

"Grian? You alright? Are you in shock or something? Grian? Grian. Grian! GRIAN!" The small hermit's eyes started to focus, his mind was returning to a state of functionality. "There you go," Tango said softly, not wanting to startle his obviously unsettled friend. "You good?" 

"Yeah... I think so..." He hesitated, then started. "Tango, just checking, you said that the Endborn's name was Xelqua, correct?" Getting a nod in response, he continued, unsure of his words. "And when was he... Born?" 

"Well, it would have been relatively soon after Alpha Edition came out, so a pretty long time ago. Why?" Tango questioned, curious about the builder's interest. 

Grian paused, not sure if he would sound like he was lying. 

He took a deep breath and said it quickly, looking down at the floor as he talked. "Xelqua was my old name, before I was called Grian. They, meaning the watchers, called me by that name while I was with them." 

Tango was astounded, his eyes wide, his mouth opening and closing like he was trying to say something, but couldn't. Finally, he spoke, stammering. "I- wait- but- you- I- Grian, I don't- I don't know what to say- I mean- I don't know what to think about this... Are you- you're kidding, right? I mean, this is just a prank? You don't mean to tell me that you're Xelqua- I... don't know what to say, Grian..." the redstoner trailed off at the name, looking dismayed, very confused, and in awe, all at the same time. 

Grian shook his head, sighing. "I wish I could tell you this was a prank, Tango, but it's not. I... I don't remember much from my past, before I was Grian. I can remember my old name, my old server, my old friends, but then... Nothing. I have no memories from before Evo. Tango, I can't tell you if I was even the same person back then, but I can tell you a few things. Right now, I am still the same Grian that you always knew, and I need your help. My past is a mystery to me, I don't understand why this is all happening, and with all of this crap going on, I can't even begin to plan for the future. All I can say is that you are probably one of the only people I know who has some tiny chance of helping me right now, and I desperately need that. Will you stay with me? We can figure this out together, I know we can." 

Tango, in his shock, replied almost automatically. "Grian, I promise that I will help you in any way that I can, but I need a bit of time to process this. Can- Can we meet up again later? We've been talking all day, maybe it's time to sleep on this and revisit it with a fresh mind tomorrow or sometime soon." 

Grian looked disappointed for a moment, then gave in. "Sure thing, Tango. How about tomorrow afternoon, does that work for you?" 

Tango thought for a second and answered. "Yeah, that should work for me. I'll see you around 2?" 

"Ok, see you then." The small hermit turned and flew away on unsteady wings, his brain going through the information he learned today and trying to organise his thoughts. Back on the ground, the redstoner sat down on his bed with his mind reeling, his building plans for the day long abandoned. 

(Hey everybody, I want some feedback. So, I realised that this story has a lot of ideas and information that aren't really that common in hermitcraft fanfics, so should I do a chapter or even a seperate book with all the rules/history of this A.U. in it? If you think it's a good idea, I'm leaning towards a book so that it's easily updated with any and all new information. Please just comment on this paragraph what you would like, if you want me to do it or if you think it would be useful to you. Also, I know these chapters have been short, the next one won't be, I promise. Thank you for reading this chapter of Broken!) 

Broken (Hermitcraft AU) [NO LONGER BEING UPDATED, UP FOR ADOPTION] Where stories live. Discover now