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(Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I had to change a small thing in the last chapter because it didn't work with the timeline I ended up going with. If you want to, you can go check it out, it's at the beginning, but it's not necessary. You'll understand fine if you continue reading from here. Luv you all! <3)

POV Grian

Grian slept for 5 days and woke in the middle of the night after the fifth day. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he looked around blearily, confused about where he was for a moment. Then, when the fog covering his mind cleared, he briefly panicked. No, I can't sleep! I- He suddenly realized that he had just slept- and without any nightmares! His flash of happiness at that fact, though, was short-lived, as he took in his surroundings and himself. 

The builder was in his washroom, sitting uncomfortably on the floor against the wall. He stiffly stood, momentarily ignoring the aching in his joints as he observed his shedding wings and growing horns in the mirror across from him. To his dismay, there was a pile of feathers near the wall where he slept; his wings now carried only a few sparse feathers dotted along the grey, leathery skin, and a small claw had made an appearence in the middle on top of the wing (See picture below for a reference, just change the colour to a light grey). His horns had grown and were now about half a foot long, gently curved and reaching towards the ceiling. His eyes had also changed slightly; before, they glowed purple with flecks of gold. Now, as he beheld himself with dismay in his heart, Grian saw his eyes glow a pure, shining silver, with his pupils ringed in red. 

Shaking out his wings saw those last few stranded feathers fall and now, fully transformed from his past ethereal form of Watcher 3, the hermit was starting to feel more and more distressed. He was radiating power, dominance and authority, and he hated it! This wasn't him! Grian was trying, and failing, to convince himself that he would wake up and this would all be one long, terrible nightmare. It seemed to him that he was truly and utterly alone, until he remembered his thoughts before he fell asleep. Maybe Tango would know something. The builder decided to pay the redstoner a visit. 

After cleaning up a bit, Grian stood outside his base, ready to take flight. As he started the familiar flapping motion required to take off from the ground, he noticed that this was not working in the same way as it did before. Seeing as he didn't know what movement was the right one and that it would take quite a bit of time to figure out, the winged man decided to simply climb up to the highest point in his base and jump off, flapping hard. It worked, sort of. He wasn't exactly falling, but it took him a solid ten minutes to get back a shadow of his previous comfort in the skies. Wobbling slightly, Grian started the flight to Tango Tek's Toon Towers. 

Teeeeny little time skip brought to you by the almighty charrot

POV Tango

Tango was filling in the walls of his shortest cartoonish tower when, out of the blue, he heard a small cough behind him. There stood... Grian? But not how Tango remembered him. He had hidden his wings, which was strange in itself because the builder loved to fly so much that he usually kept them out, but what was more surprising were the two long, grey horns on top of his head, which were shockingly similar to his own red ones. 

"Grian?! What are you doing here?" the redstoner exclaimed. 

Grian had previously ducked his head to avoid eye contact, so he continued staring at his feet, which were poking at the ground nervously. "I- I have a problem, and I thought that you might be able to help me with it..." 

Intrigued, Tango questioned his fellow hermit. "What is it? Why didn't you ask Mumbo, or Xisuma?" 

"I don't... I don't think they would be able to help me with this." G hesitantly looked up at Tango, meeting his red gaze. Tango was shocked: normally, Grian's eyes were a bright purple, seemingly glowing at times, but now, they were a deep, molten silver and his pupils were lined with red. 

"Grian... What happened?" he whispered in confusion and awe. "Why are your eyes so... different?" 

Grian hastily looked away, tears brimming aforementioned eyes. It was clearly a painful subject for him, but Tango wasn't sorry he had asked, he needed to know. Instead of answering him, however, Grian unfolded his wings from his back. His eyes pulled by the movement, the redstoner stared at the small hermit's massive wings, which, though very different to the ones he remembered on Grian, were eerily similar to his own hidden red wings, which he subconciously unfolded now. As he stepped towards his distressed friend, who started at the sudden motion, he pulled Grian into a hug and wrapped his wings around the two of them, cocooning them for a couple minutes while Grian relaxed and started sobbing into his chest. 

After a few minutes of this, Grian pulled back, looking embarrassed, and wiped his eyes. "Thanks, Tango. I needed that." They sat for about a minute in a comfortable silence, both trying to find the right words to start. Eventually, Grian started talking. 

"About two weeks ago, I started having these nightmares where I saw myself with big, grey, bat-like wings and horns. I had them for a few nights straight, until I got fed up and stopped sleeping so I could avoid them. Around this time, I started noticing my feathers falling out. This confused me, because they weren't supposed to shed, but I paid it no mind. I forgot about it until a couple days later, when my head started to really hurt, and horns started growing out of my head. This is when I started freaking out, and I also hadn't slept in like 4 days, so I passed out. Then, I woke up with no more feathers on my wings and these giant freaking horns sticking out of my head. They kinda looked like yours, so I thought I should come over here and talk to you about it. When I was about to leave I also realized that these wings work very differently for me than my old ones did in terms of flying, so I might need some help with that too..." Grian trailed off here, unsure of whether he overstepped. 

Tango had been quiet throughout this, trying to process the information being told to him. He had never heard of anyone becoming one after being an Endborn, but there's a first time for everything. That is, if his hunch was even correct. 

(Hiiiii, so I wanted to hear what you guys think he is. I have it pretty set in stone, but... I'm curious :P Comment on this paragraph what you think Grian could be!) 

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