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2 weeks earlier

POV Grian 

Grian woke with a start, his nightmare fresh in his mind. The grey, bat-like wings and matching horns he saw on himself in the dream haunted him even as he blinked sleep from his eyes and steadied his gasping breaths. It was just a dream, he told himself. Right? The builder wasn't so sure anymore. After three nights of the same, strangely terrifying dream, he was starting to doubt his original "It was just a nightmare" excuse. Standing up and glancing at his own feathered wings, he couldn't help but notice he had a few long feathers missing from the thick plumage. That was strange, given the fact that his watcher-given wings didn't shed like normal wings would. The short hermit thought nothing more of it, however, as he remembered his plans for the day. He was going to start on his mega-base! 

5 days later

Grian was tired. He hadn't allowed himself sleep for 4 days, terrified of the vivid, repeating dream that lurked at the edge of his thoughts. He was losing more and more feathers every day and the leathery, grey skin underneath was starting to make an appearance, giving the hermit a slightly ragged look. He checked his schedule for the day and noticed that he had agreed for Mumbo to come over for a visit. Great. He had been filling his days with mindless building in an effort to keep his eyes open, and it was starting to become visible in the bags under his eyes, adding to his ragged look. He could only hope that his best friend didn't notice. 

4 more days later

Grian started at a sudden, sharp pain above his temples. It didn't come out of nowhere, his head had been hurting all day but nothing like this. He lifted his hands up to rub his temples and felt two small, rough points, one on each side of his head. He walked over to his mirror to examine the bumps more closely, and upon parting his dirty hair, noticed that they were the same colour grey as the skin of his wings, and that they almost looked like the beginnings of... horns?!? Oh, no. Oh, no no no no no no no. This is bad. This is just like my dream. He took a couple steps back and slumped against the wall, burying his head in his hands. Why is this happening? Did something happen with the watchers? Do they no longer recognize me as one of them or something? Does it even have anything to do with them? Am I turning into some kind of... wait. Maybe I should go talk to Tango. I mean, he's a... demon or something... right? Yeah, I'll go talk to him. Maybe he'll know something about what's happening to me. But, I like, don't have to talk to him right now, right? Maybe, like after I close my eyes for a bi- No! I can't go to sleep...  The builder's eyes slowly closed, leaving him at the mercy of his subconcious. 

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