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(Hey guys! I'm really sorry it took me so long to upload, this chapter was difficult to get started on. I didn't know what to do next with the storyline, and there were so many POVs. Anyway, at long last, here it is!) 

POV Etho 

So. Xisuma's story. Let's just start from the beginning. 

Xaviell Vian (pronounced Vee-un) and Xisuma Void were brothers. Not friends at all, there was no brotherly love, but they were brothers in the most basic sense of the word. Their father, Zander Doom, was an admin who ran a server for his friends, similar to Hermitcraft. Neither of them had a mother, because... Well, we'll get to that. 

One day, their father attempted to combine some of his own natural power with that of the void; he had heard that some admins had void magic and he wanted to do some experiments with it. Zander still doesn't know exactly what went wrong, but instead of combining the void magic with his vitality, he combined his vitality with the void magic. You must be thinking, now, wouldn't that be the same thing? Apparently not, because he ended up creating two new beings. Glitches. Hence why they didn't have a mother. 

Also, if they died, they're gone for good. Any scars that they get? They're there to stay, unlike players. That's why Xisuma wears a helmet. When he and his brother were growing up, they fought all the time, over any and all problems and differences. One day, Xav went to far; he slashed him across the face with a knife, leaving a huge X shaped scar and nearly blinding him in one eye. X always hated that scar and the accompanying vision problems, so he fashioned himself a mechanical helmet that would both cover up his scar and adjust to his sight difficulties. Another bonus was covering up his... odd features. Also helping him breathe, which had always been difficult before. 

(Xisuma Description Time, yaaayyyy! Ok. So, Xisuma Void is a Voidwalker. He and Xaviell are the only ones, so I get unlimited artistic liberties with this one lol. Voidwalkers are a kind of subsection of Endwalkers, in that they do come from the End. The difference is that Voidwalkers can, as the name suggests, walk and breathe and survive in general in the Void. Which is completely unthinkable for any other beings, even the Dragon. Voidwalkers primarily breathe Void Air, which has less different elements and gasses and such in it than normal air. This makes it hard but not impossible to breathe in the Overworld and nearly impossible to breathe in the Nether. Xisuma's mask helps him breathe the air in the other dimensions by filtering out the excess. The mask also covers his strangest physical characteristics and makes him look normal to anyone looking at him, though the tech for that can be glitchy sometimes, which confuses people. Voidwalkers' skin is a kind of pale dark blue (idk) colour with glowing purple freckles that look like stars everywhere on their body. Their eyes are dark blue with flecks of black, gold, purple and silver in them, and they don't have pupils. They have two antanae-like feelers on their heads, which are the same pale dark blue at the base getting closer to a purpleish-indigo at the ends, and have white speckles all over them. The feelers are used to sense if there are other people around. They do still work through his helmet, just not quite as well as without it. Xisuma's right eye is slightly clouded over and looks more purple than blue because of the scar. Said scar goes from his right temple, down across his eye and through his lips, ending at his chin, and then from his left temple across the bridge of his nose and down to the end of his jaw on the right side. Voidwalkers' hands and feet turn to a darker blue as you get closer to the tips. Xisuma's hair is shoulder length and black with specks of white mixed in, and Xaviell's is a bit longer with opposite colours. Also, their native language is Galactic. They are the only ones.) 

Xaviell always loved how different he looked. He drew strength from it, revelled in his strangeness. Xisuma regected it from the moment he realised he was different at all. He just wanted to be the same as all the other people on the server. His... oddities, they were something to hide, not to show to the world. So, when he joined Hermitcraft, he saw a chance to leave all that in the past and start again, the same as everyone else. Until now. Because they had seen him. 

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