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"So has she broken your heart yet?" Hoseok remains passionate about his goal to meet Nami, and has not stopped bothering me at work since.

"Fuck off." I blurted out as I slid a glass of whiskey to him from behind the bar. My profanities caught a customer or two, and I quickly bowed apologetically with my friend snickering in the back.

"Don't you have anything better to do? Are you still with Cho?" I asked in an attempt to drive the attention away from me. When I said 'with', I meant banging. This man won't change anytime soon, I wouldn't count on it.

"Nah. Her parents sent her to America. She was gorgeous though. Now, how about Nami?"


"What about me?"

The two of us whip our heads toward the new voice, her eyes not even blinking once from surprise. I won't lie, my stomach dropped at her sudden appearance. She was in a flower-patterned dress that looked somewhat of a grandma's, but it looked enthralling on her nevertheless. I've noticed that she has a taste for older clothes, just dancing around the border of vintage. I guess that's what I'm into. Or maybe I'm into anything she wears?

Hoseok greeted her enthusiastically as if they've known each other for years. I dread to see how this all goes down. Why is she showing up at such an unfitting time?

The woman invites herself onto the barstool next to Hoseok, and my lips fight to swallow more swear words, already expecting the most awkward interactions between the two.

"Anything?" I kept my composure and handed her a menu of our beverages. She nonchalantly skimmed down the list before shrugging, "I'll have a Cosmopolitan."

I took the menu back, feeling my body grow warm at the sight of her. Was she here for me? Maybe she had something to tell me before Hoseok's presence knocked down all possibilities of having a normal conversation with her. My eyes followed her fingers as they were raised to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing the little paint-splatter of moles on her cheeks. A small smile creeps to the edge of my lips.

Making a mental note of Nami's order, I went straight to prepping an earlier customer's drink. It was good that I'm busying myself right now, I have no intentions of taking part in Hoseok and Nami's conversation. That could only turn out to be uncomfortable or embarrassing.

My ears were uncooperative in the end, hearing all that I wished to shut out, "So, how did you meet my friend? He was just telling me about you."

Actually, I was trying to stop him from talking about her. But all thanks to his big mouth, the damage has already been done. I wonder why he's my best—and only—friend at times.

"At this very bar. I was drunk and needed somewhere to crash. Namjoon invited me to his home for the night."

I could feel Hoseok's eyebrows wriggle from behind my back. I exit the booth to hand a waitress a freshly mixed drink, along with the receipt. On my way back in, I dart my eyes to my friend and send him a glare of warning. He didn't seem to take it to heart when he responded with a mocking smile.

"Wow, and you guys kept in touch? That's the greatest modern love story right there."

Maybe I should just ban him from showing up here.

"Oh," My body froze to listen to Nami's reply. As much as I want to punch Hoseok for his nosy questions, I couldn't help but find myself feeling curious. "We aren't like that. I like to keep it easy, anyway. I'm sure Namjoon feels the same too."

No. Not at all.

My muscles loosened as I let out a barely audible sigh. I wish I felt the same, but even then, I don't find myself attempting to restrain from feeling what I feel for her. Because deep inside, I know I want this. Even if it's chaotic, even if it's unhealthy, at least it's something. You tend to accept anything that enters your basket when it's been empty your entire life.

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