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"You know, you ruined everything," She traced the outline of my face as she laid on top of my body. Her hair was all up in my space, tickling my neck and my chest, but it's fine. I like it.

"Yeah?" I breathed, brushing her grown out bangs to see her face clearer. My stomach flips when I feel Nami's feet fidget around my ankles.

"Yeah, I was so good at it. And then you came over and just made yourself the centre of everything," Nami spoke angrily yet she held my face in her hands and showered my forehead with kisses. I could feel it all the way down my spine to my toes.

I couldn't help but smile and chuckle. I've never been so full of her love before, so honest and unreserved. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her lips on my skin.

"You're so pretty, with your hair all grey and fancy," Nami teased, hands now in my locks, ruffling it around.

"My roots are all black now," I complained with a pout while I slithered my arms around her waist tightly. I can't believe I get to do this now. And she actually likes it. And I think that's what makes me happy the most. It's as if on her twenty-seventh birthday, she'd broken the curse that she had casted upon herself years ago. And now she's happy, she looks so fucking happy.

I realized that when she used to act cold towards me, or reject me after leading me on, she'd never done that with the intention to hurt me. Even if it did, all of this was for herself. To restrict herself, to punish herself. And maybe it's too selfless of me, but now when I think back at those times, my heart just aches for her. I can't look at anything between us the same way anymore.

"Do you want to grow it out? Or do you want to dye it grey again?" Nami folded her arms on my chest and rested her chin right there. She eyed me like a child staring at their favourite snack. It makes me feel wanted when she looks at me like that.

"I want it to be grey for a little longer."

"We should dye your roots. We can go buy the dye and do it here, at your house,"




"Yes!" Nami jumped off of me and grabbed her bag off of the floor, "Come on, it'll be fun."

"Wait," I grunted. I've been laying down for at least an hour with the weight of an entire human on top of me, I can barely feel my limbs. "It's like two in the morning, are you sure you want to do this?" I exhaled.

But Nami looked so excited. I forced myself off of the couch and grabbed the jacket resting by the arm rest. I walk over to her and drape it over her shoulders, "Let's go then."


"Are you sure you're doing this right?" I gulped, sitting on the wall of the bathtub with Nami standing in it. I look into the mirror with an unsure gaze.

"Uh...I dunno, I looked it up when you were in the bathroom, this should be right," Nami sucked on her teeth while she applied the dye onto my roots.

"Wait, hold up," I pull my head away from her reach, I turn around to look at her, "You haven't done this before?"

Nami blinked, "No?"

"This is my hair! I thought you knew what you were doing!"

"I do!" She laughed, "Come on, sit your ass down, you're fine."

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