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Nami's been extra sweet these days.

"I forgot to bring your gift to Hoseok's house on your birthday. Here," She tossed a small packaging towards my couch where I sat. I watch it fall onto my lap.

I'm afraid I'll get used to it.

"You didn't have to get me a present." I ripped open the brown envelope while Nami found her spot next to me. She pulled herself up to the sofa and crossed her legs, then did the same with her arms to watch me unpack my gift.

Nami actually meets my eyes now, and she talks. Like actually, talks. She tells me about her job, the projects she's working on. She talks about how shitty her day went and sometimes, how nice they were. It's cool to know that she's always been capable of this, communicating. I just wish I knew what made her start, or why she wasn't like this in the beginning.

I pull out two pictures and flipped them over to the right side up. "Oh, wow." I couldn't help but smile at the surprise.

It was the pictures we each took of one another on our first day spent together. I tuck my photo behind her's and stared at the image that so easily gained control over me. This was exactly what I wanted to capture. Just how stunning and charming she was. She didn't have to look at me to have my attention.

"When did you get these developed?"

Her voice spoke in the background as I found myself lost in the beauty of the moles that decorated the left side of her face, and the delicate gaze in her eyes. I'd kill for Nami to look at me like that.

"Just a few days after that. I got it printed out after meeting Hoseok though, after I knew about your birthday." I nodded with a little hum.

"This is a good photo," I mumbled under my breath. I pull out the one of myself from underneath, "What am I supposed to do with this one though?"

"I don't know," Nami shrugged, leaning closer towards me, enough that I can feel her gentle breath on my neck, "Look at it?"

I roll my eyes, "I've seen enough of this face." I hold it out to her, "How about you keep it."

Apparently, I caught her off guard as her eyes widened just the slightest bit, "Don't put me on the spot! If I don't take it, it'll seem like I think you're ugly."

"I'm not putting you on the spot. You obviously liked something in here, considering you're the one who took the picture." I nudge it closer towards Nami, who now had a barely noticeable red tint to her cheeks.

"I'm only taking it because I have to." She muttered before shamefully plucking it out from my fingers and tucking it into her bag. I look at her with a small grin, then brushed my hand through her hair. I'm not buying her words. Nami wasn't repulsed or surprised at my action, she smiled even.

She really smiled. She looked down and fucking smiled.

This is weird. Too weird. I stand up from the sofa and quickly head to the kitchen for a cup of water. I like it, the smile, the innocent glance, everything. But this isn't what she's like. This isn't what we're like. Nami's reserved, cold, numb, insensitive. And we're a ticking metronome, we're this and that in a matter of seconds. This warmth between us has been too consistent. Too good. Too happy.

"Namjoon, let's play a game." I heard her call out from the sofa.

I grab the pitcher along with my cup from the cupboard before heading over, "What game?"

"Truth or dare."

I let out a crooked grin after sipping from my cup, "Or you could just ask me what you want to find out."

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