Page 23: The Start of An Unnecessarily Long Quest

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- - One Week Prior - -

"So, uh..." Alexander muttered. "Am I the only one that doesn't know what the God Crystal is?" he asked the other Virtues.

None of them responded.

He nodded in understanding.

All the Virtues sat in the unnecessarily large couch that barely fit in Archibald's office. Archibald had removed it a few months ago, but he brought it back for some reason.

Anastasia dropped her head into her hands. "Why is that man always late?" she groaned.

"Uncle Charles is always busy," Gabriel interjected. "Just wait."

The door nearly crashed open as Archibald burst through. "Look at that. Came at the exact second you guys were talking about me," he said with a smile.

Archibald wasn't wearing his regular white jacket, but rather a plain black suit. The black blazer was torn and ripped so he immediately threw it off. His white shirt was stained with pale blue fluid.

Alexander decided not to ask what that was.

Archibald let out a breath and loosened his tie. "Sorry," he muttered in between his breaths. "I had to handle a dragon. Well, a wyrm."

That explained the blue stains.

"But whatever," Archibald continued. "What are we talking about today? The crystal?"

Gabriel nodded.

"Perfect, perfect."

He extended his arm to the side, and the jacket he had just thrown down began to float to his hand. "Can't believe I almost forgot," he mumbled to himself.

From the torn jacket, he pulled a silver rectangular device.

The same holographic projector Archibald used for each mission briefing or any topic requiring explanation.

He set it on the table and pressed a few buttons on the side.

"So," Archibald said, clearing his throat. "This is the God Crystal."

As always, the room's light began to fade. Except no image showed up from the holographic projector.

"Oh, damn, it's not working," Archibald mumbled. He reached over the table and gripped the device. "Anyone know how to fix something like this?" he asked.

He extended his hand to Anastasia.


"Well, you have lightning magic. So, could you just..."

Anastasia sighed and grabbed the device. "That's not how it works," she muttered. And with that, she flicked the silver rectangle.

With the flick of her finger and a slight burst of electricity, the device began to glow with pale light.

"Guess that is how it works," Alexander said.

"Does that mean you charge a phone?" Leonard asked.

"I'm not charging your phone, Leonard."

Archibald cleared his throat as he grabbed the device. Again, he set it down onto the table and pushed a button on its side.

A large black diamond appeared in the light.

"This..." Archibald said. " the God Crystal."

"I see, I see," Leonard muttered, slowly nodded as he squinted at the image of the crystal.

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