Part 57

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You: no doubt.... he diserves everything bad...... I am sorry.... I am not like this but I say that because not only has he hurt and killed and sold poor innocent girls... their families! I could never get back my sanity and all thoses years back....

Fan: so sorry..... what did you take the brake?

You: mental health..... I had bad mental health.... like I was saying about Dan... he basically took everything from me.... I faked all my happiness when I got away from him.... I figured if I faked a smile every day no one would notice and some day i wouldn't have to fake it.... but every where i looked I saw Dan.... and I always got flash backs and night mares..... and then I started to fall down this deep hole of sadness and anxiety and anger..... at this point my family moved back to Mexico.... and I relyed on My friends to take care of my daughter..... because I physically and mentally couldn't..... I tried um.... *starts tearing up* I...I... I tried..... all I will say is that I was a horrible mom at that point but now I am better... but ummm... I tried to commit..... I tried Taking pills, hanging, cutting, suffocating, drowning..... and Colleen has seen all that.... *crying* sorry...

Fan: oh no... i get it's to much! We can stop!

You: no it's fine... I want people to know my past....

Fan: ok...

Colby: *taking pictures with fans and talking to them*

*7 minutes later*

Fan: so last 2 questions..... what's up with you and Colby? We've seen you both hanging out with each other a lot now..... And the most asked question is.... who is Colleen's dad?

Colby: *gets surprised*

You: uhh... well nothing is going on with me and Colby... we're both just friends an-

Colby: *laughs* for now! *winks*

You: Robert!! *throws sandal at colby* shhhh

Fan: *laughs*

You: well I say nothing is going on but I guess to Colby there is... but no... we're only friends.... I will admit we've been talking.... BUTTTTTT THATS ALL I'll say! Only talking..... and for the last question..... Colleen knows her dad every well..... but I personally don't think it's time to say anything due to her might getting attacked for something she didn't do....

Fan: wow.... she looks a lot like Colby tho

You: *nervously laughs*

Fan: anyways! Thank you for your time! *leaves*

You: Robert!! I was talking to a fan

Colby: *laughs*

Colleen: mommy!!! I got a corn dog and a pretzel!!!

You: that nice! Now eat ok?

Colleen: *sits in the corner with the twins*

Madison: we got you and Colby a corn dog

You: thank you...

Sam: *hands everyone a soda/ or water*

Katrina: sooo we saw tha fan.....

You: it wasn't that important

Colby: what do you mean?!? It was! I heard everything

You: pfttt whatever

Colby: sooo... we're talking? Right?

You: you better Change that facial expression before I do it myself!

Sam: *laugh*

Madison: *laughs*

Colby: kinky I see.....

You: *rasies hand to hot colby*

Colby: *shrugs* ok ok!! I'll stop! You hit so hard

You: do you not know I'm Mexican?!? We know how to do a beating.... not abusive parent just how we punish our kids....

Colleen: I've been through it...

Colby: y/n!!

You: whatttttttttt? Not that hard.... god..... should have seen how my mom did it..... *gets a call* *looks* *screams* *answers phone* heyyyyyyy. When are you coming?!? I miss youuuuuuuuuu...... in 5 months? Ughhhhhh..... bs.... ok fine..... byeeee love youuuuuuu *ends call*

Colby: *gets a bit sad* who was it?

You: my friend

Katrina: Wait In 5 months?

You: yeah....

Kyler: *eating with Madison as the Twins and Colleen at the lunch area*

Sam: what's her name?

You: oh it isn't a girl.... he is like my brother just like Corey! I've known him since like birth.... he's a month older than me....

Colby: oh cool...

You: yeah... well I'm not hungry soooooo Colby you can have my Meal or you Katrina, Sam.... *runs to another Water slide*

Katrina: no I'm fine! I'll go with you! *goes with Y/n*

Colby: you think this dude will take her?

Sam: look Colby..... I do understand you like y/n but you're also playing her Bc you're with Amber on the low..... but I don't think so.... I mean Ben is also another guy best friend of hers and he hasn't taken her and he has a girlfriend! Just choose her or Amber.... you'll lose her if you don't....

Colby: *sighs* you're right!

*top of Slide*
You: *puts floatie and then sits on it*

Katrina: *trying to get on* so Caleb huh? Is he some important?

You: he's my first ever friend.... he is my boy best friend.... and Ben he Is also another friend of mine.... and Corey is another best friend..... and if I had to choose a girl best friend it would be You! I mean like I trust the others but I mostly hang out with you.. and Andrea.... she's not around anymore and we hardly talk.... so yeah

Katrina: aw-

Worker: *pushes the floatie*

You: *screams*

Katrina: *yelling*

*3 pm*

Sam: *swiming with Katrina*

Colby: *splashing y/n*

You: Colby! Stoppppp!!

Colby: *swims under water*

You: *turns to the side to get some water by the side*

Colby: *swims to y/n and hugs her from behind* *grabs y/n from the hips and softly kisses y/n's neck*

You: *lifts head up a little and moans softly*

Colby: *laughs* like that?

You: not really..... *turns to Colby and touches his chest and kisses him*

Colby is worried about you and Caleb.... yet he is still fooling around with Amber..... and now you both are making moves...
Love you potato's!

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