Comfort Dream

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Yes. Another one of my bizarre dreams but I didn't wake up with the full story so I only have this fragmented one :'))


You know, what's funny is that I was daydreaming about Thorn x Reader kinda stuff, before going to bed. Did my mind approve of it? No. So instead of dreaming about Boboiboy, my mind instead, gave me a certain underrated rival of his instead: Fang.

Of all people to dream about in my sleep X'D seriously. And that wasn't the first it happened;

I remember thinking about some BBB elemental/Fusion/original(?) x reader but what my mind gave me instead in my dream is a Blossom x Brick x Berserk. What's funny about that is I USED to be in the powerpuff girls x rowdyruff boys fandom X'D But who's Berserk? Technically she's an OC, but the fandom widely accepted her and her gang the powerpunk girls and they can be seen time to time im fanfictions lol X'D

Anyway bACK TO FANG—

So my dream wasn't ENTIRELY circled in Fang and I, like I said I remember mostly fragments of it even though they are pretty detailed so Fang was like... Somewhere between subplot and main plot X,D He had a role but it seemed a little more important to be subplot.

So what happened? I forgot most of what happened in the beginning, but I remember it was afternoon and he was in my house, with me XD We were in my room and well... He was sadly having a bad day which I forgot what it was about :'))) Something related to Mom I guess? Anyway, were like, 2-3 meters apart from each other sitting on the bed, and I was just staring at him while he had his arms crossed and had signature frown on his face as he looked at the ground. (Fund fact: he looked his original probs season one self here) Whether I knew or not about what was bothering, my gaze just softened as I talked to him.

It was those conversations like the title above: comfort. I was trying to let him talk about his problems but he kept waving it off or you know, not needing my help. But I wasn't giving up for some reason and scooted closer, until I was half a meter apart from him. And at that distance, although he was facing all the way to the other direction because of the stubborn tsundere like attitude of him, his pride was slowly breaking until he gone silent.

I called for his name a few more times, before I sighed and opened my arms before he looked at me. I was like: "C'mon, I don't mind. You're having a bad day and, hugs are harmless." Or something similar to that, and he was just staring right at me. Like he was conflicted whether he should or not but he gave in, crawling to me and buried himself to my shoulder while I hugged him close, and we just fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. We stayed in that position for what seemed like a few hours or so? I don't know if he was awkward about it but I was feeling calm and, enjoyed the hug XD I'm often affectionate and open to everybody so whoever it is, I often just enjoy the hug and be calm about it. If you freak out it'll ruin the mood and that's not what Fang needs at the moment X'D

Anyway, Fang was completely silent throughout the entire time in the hug. I can only hear him breathing and his bare arms giving me warmth. He literally said nothing but I honestly thought he was secretly crying cuz, I may or may not have felt the faintest dampness on my shirt by my shoulder getting subtly soaked. I didn't really mind his company at all, I just wanted to help him. But as much as I didn't want to let go and continue holding him until he calms down, I saw my mom open the door subtly to peek at what we were doing and I IMMEDIATELY broke off the hug and both of us remained silent. So yeah moment was ruined :'D

The second scene was... At my new school. Although the school looked like the exact entrance of my church and the classroom I had was pretty cramped XD it had two rooms and it SOMEWHAT resembles the living room AND storage room of my other house up in the hill. And writing this down, it's like my brain didn't know what my new school looked like so it used those two rooms as a classroom and the entrance of my church as the school entrance for improvisation 😂😂 I dunno but I think that's why :'DD

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