Cain's Fighting

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Silver crept along the hallways with her silver/black wolf dæmon Similien and they look at each other stoppin' in unison, when they heard others in the college hall.

"How do you know that Lyra will be in the Retirin' Room?" Similien quietly growled at Silver, who, was crouching down next to him, her hand in his fur.

"Because it is very much so, something that she would do. But first, we have to find Cain." She would quietly murmur back to Similien, as on the back of his neck, his fur began to bristle at the very thought of it.

"Lovely. We have to rescue him, yet again." Similien growled a bit at those familiar words and situations that the words usually implied but there was a bit of affection noted along with them at the thoughts.

"I know, I know." Silver mumbled to her dæmon, as they continued down the hallway, turning left twice, then at last, coming out into the courtyard of Jordan College.

She would sharply inhaled the scent of the fresh air, which to her meant a good many things, freedom being the greatest one of all.

She looked at Similien, who was growling playfully with excitement at the prospect of being outside, and, the pair took off running through their home.

They, together now, both leapt cleanly over a wooden fence, as naturally, the pair landed, right in the middle of one of the bigger fights.

In the middle of all of the madness amongst the fighting, was none other than Cain Belacqua, obnoxious and louder than the rest of the Belacqua trio.

The dæmons were all fighting with each other, while their owners were fighting above them.

There were Gyptian children among the fights, but there were also some of the older Gyptians who were trying to break up the fighting.

Similien simply shakes his head at all of the madness that was now going on in front, of his golden yellow eyes. His head tipped back and he howls deeply and the fighting stopped at once.

All except for Cain, who was still beating down on the Gyptian child underneath him.

"Cain!" Silver shouted at her younger brother and storms forward, muscling her way through the children who had stopped their fighting already.

She only felt it necessary to muscle out of the way, those who didn't stop their fighting at the howl, not those of the children who were scared stiff of Similien, who would never change his shape again.

"Cain Belacqua!" Silver snapped sharply at her brother, grabbing him by the ear and he shouted in surprise and pain as well, as she yanks him off of the gyptian child.

His dæmon Aesina took the form of a big rabbit at once as she drops quickly backwards away from Billy's dæmon.

"Thanks." The boy said to her, as Silver dropped Cain onto his bottom next to her, and held out her hand to the child, who took it to help himself up.

"Billy Costa, right?" She questioned him, as he brushed himself off and his face was still covered in mud.

"Yes ma'am." He stated after he had done his best to brush himself clean of the mud.

"All of you, get on home. Or back to the colleges, if you live there. Go on, I don't want to see any more fighting, not today." Silver says, loudly enough to be audible, without shoutin' and all of a sudden, Similien growled and the boys took off running.

Except for Billy Costa, who trudged his way over to the older Gyptians as they both look over to Silver, and she nods. "Take care of your brother Tony, you never know what problems, these kids will make. Or what the cause is of it." Silver says wisely, and Tony Costa, he nods.

"You're all right, for a college. Has your dæmon settled yet?" He asked as Similien, he made his way back to Silver, and they both dip their heads, nodding as equals.

"I see that yours has. Come on, let us all get back now. Lyra's probably gone and got herself into trouble again."

Similien's voice cuts sharply into the conversation and Silver looked at her dæmon, who stared right back at her, and the two of them, they had a brief, very quick staring contest but only for a mere moment.

"Similien's right, we should be going to find Lyra. Last that I checked with her and Pan, they said that they were going into the Retirin' Room of Jordan College. You'd be best to keep yourself out of trouble Billy." Silver says to him before she swiftly shook hands with Tony and the other Gyptians.

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