Chapter 1

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It's not everyday you wake up at 5.

I climbed out of my bed, made it up, and walked to the bathroom.  I stared at this girl in the mirror.  Look normal, sometimes boring.  Good morning.

"Kla, you should be hurry!"  Mom knocked my door.

"One minute!"  I yelled back.

There's something between Mom and 7 am because at that very time, she will always yell at your door.  Yeah I spent 2 hours straight to have fun with myself.  I decided to wear this floral black dress and cardigan to school today.  What took me so long was my daydream.  One bad habit.  I liked to use my morning inspiration to sing.  It's kinda loud up here.

"Morning!"  I jumped to the dining table to shock Dad.

"Hello my darling.  Eat your breakfast, come on, I have meeting."  He continued reading the newspaper.

" do?  No, it's okay, never mind.  I can just take the bus though."  I shook my head.

"No..."  Dad stared at me.  "Seriously?"

"Seriously.  Just go Dad.  I'll be fine."  I smiled.

"Okay.  Take care.  Have fun at school!"  He kissed top of my head, and Mom too, then left.

"Are you really sure about the bus thing?"  Mom done chopped some veggies.

"Mom really it's just a school bus.  What can go wrong.  I've always wanted to do that."  I slipped on my shoes.

"Smart."  Mom rolled her eyes.  "Okay!"

"Okay!  Bye bye!"

I walked slowly out of my house gate, turned right, and went straight.  I was kinda lying.  I didn't want to take my school bus.  It's pretty normal.  Today, I wanted to walk.  Headphones on.  Let's mute the world.

"Hey!  Heeey!  Klarika!"  

I heard a sound of horn and somebody yelled at me.  Wait.  I haven't arrived at school.  Who might called me.  I turned around and saw this guy with his car.

"Hey."  I smiled, turned off my music.

"Hey, why walking?"  He asked.

"No, it's fine.  Just have a little time for myself.  Why stopping?"  I asked back.

"Get in the car."  He smiled genuinely to me.

"No, not exactly like that.  You go first, I'll meet you there."  I shook my head.

"Come on, I insist.  Heck you're so stiff."  Toby begged like a little puppy.

"Alright alright.  Gosh you're difficult."  I immediately joined his car.

"That's better."  Toby put on his sunglasses and drove me away.  "Why didn't your Dad drive you?"

"He has an early meeting or something..."  I put my phone back in my bag.

"Jeez!  Then you just decide to walk?  Girl, you have my number.  You're one of those 10 people only in this world who have my number.  Make a call then!  I can just pull over at yours."  Toby chuckled.

"You're not my nanny.  Come on, I'm a big girl."  I laughed.

"Yeah?  Come here!"  He tickled me and pulled my head then ksised it.  "No you're definitely not."

"I could've just walked happily to school before you pulled over!"  I argued.  Nonsense argument.

"No I won't let you."  He gave that killer smile.

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