Chapter 11

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With so much struggles that I have been having at the mall, I made it home. Mom and Dad weren't there when I arrived, so I took my time to have a long shower. Last days were the toughest. I need a nap in the bathup.

"Girl! Where are you?" Sophie shocked me with the ringing call, and then she shouted at my first breath.

"Can you chill? I'm showering." I spoke with this echo. You know when you speak in the bathroom, it's echoing.

"Wait what? Ah whatever. Hey your Mom asks me to ask you go somewhere on 24th." She explained.

"Why precisely 24th? What's going on?" I buried myself in the comfy bathup.

"You're the most plain person I've ever known. It's President Obama's birthday." She sounded upset.

"Ha. Good." I chuckled. "Can't we just go somewhere to church downtown?"

"Too usual. Come on, think of another plan." She insisted.

"Why too excited for my own birthday?" I laughed. Yeah you should hear how frustrated she was.

"Because it's your 17th birthday and the last time you celebrated was your 5th. Be a normal girl, Kla." Sophie groaned. "What about barbeque party?"

"Hmm? Where? Who we should invite?" I bit my nails.

"McDonough and the crew!" She shouted.

"You mean Connor, and then you'll be secretly having fun only with Connor and leave me alone miserably." I laughed so hard.

"People have to have fun too, you see." Sophie joined my laugh. "Just let's do it. How?"

"But where?" I combed my hair. This conversation went along too well til I done showering and we're not done yet.

"Upstairs." She replied.

"Upstairs? You sure they'll let us?" I said unsure.

"Of course! It's Christmas Eve and we don't need much preparation." Sophie added. "Come on it's gonna be fun!"

"Alright alright. I'm not sure honestly, but let's see." I nodded.

"Okay! I'll take care the prep. You enjoy your last week for being 16. Bye."

Wait what was that. Haha. You never know it with Sophie. She might be the sweetest but wait til she's this killer to you. I bet I won't meet her for the last week. And it's our days off too at school. It will be started again later on 2015. The perks of having birthday on Christmas Eve.

I spent the rest of the day by laying down and read the novels that I bought earlier today. The parents were home but they got their dinner, so soon locked themselves in their room. Being the only child's like being the nobody sometimes.


Ey, what you doing? How's your day?

God does exist and out of the blue, at 11 pm, I got a message from Toby. It's the first after a million years.


Reading some books. How you guys doing out there?


Just done with the rehearsal. I'm dead tired.


Get a life. Ha. Get some sleep then, sleepyhead.


Nope. I wanna make sure you're okay first.


I'm okay. Now you're free to pass out.


You're funny. What did you do today?


I went to the mall and bought couple of novels. Oh I met your big fan.


Hmm? Tell me about it.


Her name's Amanda and she's you guys' street team. She likes you a lot.


Oh what a nice girl she is. But so shame, I like somebody else.

Oh hold on. This is not going any better. I don't want to see this text. But I have to, because I should reply. Or not.


You broke her heart, dude.


Why took so long, you're falling asleep? Oh yeah I can't help but do it.


No I was preoccupied by the novel. You sassy.


So the novel's more interesting than me? You broke my heart.


Shush. Get some sleep. Haha.


Jeez I miss you. Alright, send us some sugar for tomorrow's parade, kay?


Here's the sugar ♥ Good luck!


Good night girl xx


Nanite xx

It's already half past midnight and I still can't get over how cool it was to know that Toby texted me in the middle of his bright fancy life in New York City. Somewhat, I feel the love. But it might be just nothing to him but a pinky promise.

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