Chapter 4

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"I actually understand.  But how long it might take us to...go?"  Toby bit his lips.

I just put my ears on the conversation that he has on the line.  There's something again.  And again.  Always, everyday.  Sometimes I'm tired of being his friend.  We were once good talking about fun stuff but then a phone call always interrupts us.  Like this time.

"Wait what?  Whoa..."  Toby stared at me while I tried to not care.  "That would be impossible."

I shook my head.  We're in the class even though the teacher wasn't coming yet.  But that's not funny to be on your phone all the time like that.  Especially when he made me forget what I was once wanting to say.

"We shall continue this at home, James.  I'll be coming...  No no no.  I can't do now!"  He whispered.

"Just go..."  I groaned.

Toby mouthed me to hold my thought.  I just rolled my eyes and got back talking with Sophie.  Can I have a day without interruption, please.

"I...think I should go..."  Toby bowed his head.

"Seriously?"  I sighed.  "Why am I not surprised?"

"I'm sorry Kla, this is important.  As much as I hate it, the band needs me."  He begged.

"Well I'm just saying.  I have no reason to be mad at you though.  It's your life and your career.  But as your classmate, I'm worried.  You're not in your best shape in class."  I raised my eyebrows.

"I know, and that's...hard."  Toby started to pack his books.  "Talk to you later?"

"It's not me who have a band though."  I chuckled.

"I love you.  Sophie, I give Kla to you.  Drive home safely later."  Toby kissed my forehead, held Sophie's shoulder, then ran away.

"Ain't it good?"  I rolled my eyes again.

"You're tired?  Of that?"  Sophie commanded.

"Kinda.  You know that's not cool though.  There's always, always, a phone call or a text which always interrupts us at anytime, at any conversation."  I ranted.  "I should be tired sometimes huh."

"But I see you're upset, more than tired."  She studied my face.

"Look.  I'm care about him.  His scores are decreasing.  That's not good.  We're in the busiest time during whole study term we've ever had."  I explained my concern.

"Okay okay."  Sophie chuckled.  "You see, he should've listened to you more?"

"That."  I pointed my finger in agreement.

"Well said."  She nodded.  "But if, if only this happened, would you let him go?  I mean the band is..."

"Getting bigger.  And the headlining tour is up."  I continued her line.  "Make sense."

"Would you?  Oh no, sorry, wrong choice of word.  Could you let him go?"  Sophie noted her point.

"Why couldn't I?"  I choked.  "Yeah, why couldn't I..."

"You tell me then."  She lied her back on the chair.

"I mean I'm gonna miss him, obviously.  But it's his life.  Who am I to be upset."  I answered diplomatically.

"Haha.  Great manner.  But I'm not sure."  Sophie winked.

The conversation was shut by the teacher as our math tutor came in.  I stared at Sophie for the first minute to seek for an answer about her previous statement, but zero.  She only smirked like that on me, same as the smirk she showed me at the mall.  I'm sure about what I was talking.  I'm okay if Toby should go.  What can I do, it's his life, once again.  Friendship can't work forever like 6th grade when everything's beautiful.  Somebody will leave, and it's him.

We spent the whole day sitting in the class til the bell rang.  Time to go home.  Sophie and I immediately packed our books and stormed outside to the carpark.  Sophie still has the car with her so she will take me home. 

"About last time, it actually didn't mean anything though."  She started a conversation.

"Hmm?  I believe so."  I nodded.  "If you think there's something about my gesture over Toby's issue, it's nothing.  Nothing happens."

"Then nothing it is."  Sophie agreed.

"Yeah, just like I said."  I murmured.

"Where you wanna go?"  She turned to my block.

"Uhm I think I want to just go home.  This math homework is ridiculous and we have no time.  School, school."  I sighed.

"Okay then.  There you go."  Sophie pulled over at my house.  "Tell Toby I've saved you safely again."

"Haha.  Thank you lovely.  But like he cares."  I rolled my eyes.  "See you tomorrow!"

"Bye bye!"  

I let Sophie drive away first from my house before I went inside.  Mom and Dad weren't home.  So I locked myself in, started working on this gigantic stack of homework.  Hours and hours passed, I also fell asleep on my books.  Days was just spent like that.  Nothing new.

"Oh thank you Mom."  I heard a voice from outside my room.  "Can I come in?"

"Whoa."  I immediately sit on my bed.  "Who let you in?"

"Mom."  Toby smiled.  "How's school?"

"Here, your notes, and this is the math homework.  I think I have done half of that but yeah, I'll do that later tonight."  I kept talking without bother to answer his question.

"Stop."  He took my book.  "My mom said, I'll have a home school program."

My heart stopped beating.  It is what it is.  The end of our togetherness.  I can't see anymore reason when and how we could meet in the future.  This is the guy I've been friends with for the past years.  And fame took him away from me.

"Wow.  Cool!  Congrats though."  I tried to look genuine.

"Congrats for what?"  He sit on the edge of bed.

"For having more time for band?  You practically can do school anywhere now.  No worries about this stuff anymore."  I threw my homework, lilterally threw it.

"Kla...look at me.  It's not that I want it."  Toby explained.  He picked up my homework too from the floor.

"You do want it.  In fact, you need it.  School has been a distraction for you lately.  What's the point of hanging onto it anyway."  I chuckled.  "Well, I need to do math again."

"I don't want this.  Trust me.  I come here for one reason only, that is to tell you directly about the news.  I wish I could still go with you everyday to school because that's the only thing we have together.  But apparently..."  

"I need to do my homework."  I turned my back on him.  Seriously I can't handle this worst farewell.

"Don't...  Klarika please...  Don't do this."  Toby held my hand but I ditched him.

"Go..."  I whispered.

I heard Toby make no more moves.  He's still here sitting on my bed when I sit at the corner of it too, still with my back on him.  I already cried so hard but tried not to make any sound.  Sophie's right.  It's that hard to let your best friend go for a new better life, which means I might be forgotten, effective immediately.

"I...wish, I could make it up to you...  There's always a time, a plenty of time for you.  I'm just...  There's no good word to describe this, but...  You're still mean something to me Kla.  You're still a best friend..."  

Toby kissed my cheek from behind, rested his head on my back for a while then finally left.  I breathed out heavily as he closed my door.  What was that.  Oh right, I remember.  Toby's gonna leave me alone, leave for that gigantic crowd that has been waiting for his real existence.  He's going to forget me in a snap.  There are lots of girls out there who can just easily be his friends and me, this lifetime best friend, will be vanished in the thin air.  How cool is that.  Friendship can be hurt too.

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