Chapter 12

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But there's should be nothing today but a cloudy morning and freezing Florida. What is happening outside. I surely miss the sunshine everytime Christmas' coming.

"Kla, look! They're on TV!" Mom pointed to our living room TV using her knife.

"Mom, that looks horrible." I put down her knife. "You might kill people with that."

"Oh sorry. But hey look!" She insisted me to turn around.

"Oh..." I nodded.

That guy with his brothers again. Playing in the float to bunch of New Yorkers. My heart's torn into two. First, I'm happy. It's him and his childhood dream becoming reality this Christmas. Second, I'm sad. It's gonna be a lot more obstacles to go in our friendship because I'm being this cool guy's best friend, that might can easily forget me sometime soon. So I just stared at this flat screen. The song Dangerous fit perfectly to the show. They played it to another million of eyes at home and wow, I'm just one of the common. You might tell that I was overreacting. But tell me, how's it feel to be the first, then being forgotten?

"Baby, you're okay?" Mom put her hand on my shoulder. Apparently I spaced out too long.

"I am." I chuckled.

"It's good to see those boys living their dream." Mom smiled staring at the TV.

"Indeed it is." I whispered. "Uhm, isn't there another good show to watch?"

"What are you talking about? This is good." She took the remote.

"Yeah I mean maybe something else." I shrugged it off. Too obvious.

"Go eat your breakfast then." Mom left me alone to the living room. She's the proud Mom. "Oh gosh, they look very good..."

I glanced at her. Ha. One thing you didn't know, Mom's been wanting to have a son, but she's stuck with me being the only child. Oh and second, you know that? Remember when Mom called Toby son? That. It explains how proud she was to see her son on TV, way more than me.

"Yay! Let's continue cooking!" She walked toward me again.

"I'll wash the dishes."

"Is there something wrong with you? Why don't look so happy?" Mom found my spot.

"Uhm, no. If that's the Macy's parade that you're talking about, definitely I'm happy. But not like I'll jump around for that." I chuckled.

"Okay." She nodded. "What about your birthday? Have figured out something?"

"Well Sophie said she'll take care of it. I don't know. She hasn't called yet." I smiled.

"Your Dad and I will leave for LA for couple days. We should be go back on Christmas Eve, honey. That's why I'm asking Sophie to handle that. Just in case if we can't make it on time, I hope you'll still have fun with some friends." Mom explained.

"Oh cool. Another Christmas to spend." I giggled awkwardly.

"You know your father. It's getting crazy in every December." She hugged me. "Not that we don't care of you."

"No, no I'm not saying that. I'm sure this is better." I saw her eyes. "Don't worry. Anything it is, I'll have some fun."

"Don't lock yourself again?"

"Definitely not." I lied. It took me few seconds to embrace myself and convinced her.

"Okay. Hey you're 17." Mom kissed my cheek. "Go shower."

"Alright!" I gave a thumb up.

I locked my room and took my phone from underneath the pillow. Oh, Sophie texted me.


Meet me at 5 at Starbucks.


What we're gonna do?


Conservating some elephants. Oh c'mon, just come.


You rude. Ha. Alright.

By that short texting moment, I prepared myself with dress that I will wear this afternoon. Hey it's odd. Some parents will be worry about where their children might be at. But my parents would always feel relieved whenever I say 'I'm going out'. Something's wrong with them. Or me.

Long story short, I made it to walk outside, only two of us, me and my phone, to Starbucks. It's the typical Sophie. I would always be the first who arrived in every meeting. Yeah so I ordered my coffee and sit peacefully enjoying the afternoon breeze.

"Girl!" Sophie walked toward me from her car like 15 minutes later.

"Hey." I hugged her. "Been a zillion years. Coffee?"

"I'm officially dating Connor."

And by that, I just burst choked my coffee out. This lady's freaking... "WHAT???"

"Last night." She smirked along the way.

"Oh shoot you're joking." I chuckled. But soon as I met her eyes, I stopped. "No?"

"No." Sophie shook her head. "We are."

"Lord, help us..." I looked above look like praying, playfully.

"Shocking enough?" She laughed.

"Dude, he's in freaking New York City!" I shouted. Thank goodness the barista basically recognized us so we can make a little noise around. Sort of.

"That's the point! He called me last night." Sophie started talking.

"A night before the parade." I nodded.

"One night before the parade, indeed. I ask you to come out this afternoon because I didn't want to miss the parade. Ha. Anyway, yeah, it just happened and I want you to be the first to know." She giggled everywhere.

"Should I be flattered or something?" I laughed so loud.

"Wow yeah, please." She glared me.

"Hahaha...I'm happy for you, princess. There's been something going on there. Riley and I saw that on that afternoon." I smiled. "You deserve him."

"Do I? Wow I feel what you feel now. The feeling of being not good enough." She stuttered.

"Of course you will. See? It's not easy at all, thank you very much." I rolled my eyes. "But darling, you're beautiful. Come on. How could Connor choose you if you weren't worth his time?"

"Really? you manage it so far?" Sophie played with her fingers nervously.

"I never manage it. I never nail the anxiety. Truth be told, it eats me slowly deep within. Everytime it's about Toby, I can never say I'm confident enough. But hey, you have one reason to be proud. Connor's your legit boyfriend. That is something." I pinched her chin.

"That's not what I meant..." She immediately realized how much this talk affected me.

"No, not at all. I'm okay. Apart from everything that happens to me, this is a different case. It would happen to you anyway." I hugged her. "So happy for you, sugar."

"Aw thank you." She laughed inside my hug. "Not to mention I have something cool for you on Christmas Eve."

"Wait what?" I glared. "No you're not. Not too much okay girl."

"Let's see..." She sipped her coffee with that killer look.

I smiled nodding to myself. World works in a weird way. Years and years with Toby can actually never beat few days of Connor and Sophie. That's why they said it's unpredictable. That's why they said you should never fall in love with your best friend.

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