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"Girl! Oh shoot how can you pull it off if the only thing you care is your power nap?" Sophie screamed thr top of her lung.

"Just 5 mooooore minutes." I groaned.

"It's your birthday for God's sake. I've never seen a person being this poain about her birthday." She sighed. "Wakey, Kla!"

"Alright! Sheesh you ruin my happiness." I dragged myself to the bathroom. "Next time, you'll pay for this."

"Uh-ha whatever. Go." She locked me from outside. Nice.

I used my first 15 minutes to shower, literally from head to toe because I'm dang sleepy. I'd be sleepwalking if I'm not getting up right now. But yeah it works. Cold water and some shampoo snap me back to the mother earth.

"Open up, I'm done." I knocked the bathroom door.

"Clean enough?" Sophie yelled.

"What are you talking about? Of course it's clean. It's called shower." I sighed. "Opeeeeen up!"

"Alright!" She unlocked the door. "There you go."

"Wow... How did you..." I was staring with my mouth wide opened at this dress.

"Hands down to Sophie?" She laughed. "Go dress up."

Uh-hm. This might be good, or not. Sophie shopped a dress for me. It's this long sleeves light brown lacy dress and I tell you, the dress is nothing but gorgeous. Sophie knows me really well. First time today, I'm happy.

"Like this?" I went out from the bathroom.

"Amen!" Sophie jumped around. "You look 100% pretty!"

"And remind me again, we're doing this for what?" I asked her.

"Meeting some friends? Just shush, let me do your hair."

She made me sit and in 20 minutes, she pulled off this very cute side-braid. I love it. Then she played with some natural make-up. Just so happy. I decided not to care about what might happen tonight or expect too much. Even if this only for joke, I'll take it.

"Done! Oh shoot, 5.30! Come on!"

Sophie immediately packed her stuff and dragged me downstairs. She looked very worried about her whatever plan. So I just followed her to the car, then she drove me away.

"To upstairs?" I finally asked.

"Sit back and wait..." Sophie smirked.

"You're being too mysterious, Mrs. Connor." I punched her arm playfully.

"Holy goodness I'm driving!" She freaked out. "But hey don't call me that. Sounds odd. I'm nervous."

"Hahaha... Have you met him?" I looked at myself in the rearview mirror.

"Not really. He's been busy. Eh how could I meet him with their endless interview?" Sophie bowed her head.

"Don't be worry. We're in the same spot." I chuckled.

"Thank you girly. Oh we're here!"

Sophie parked her car on our father's office carpark, made a way inside, straight to the elevator. I followed her with so many struggles in between the dress and this heels.

"Blindfoooold..." Suddenly she put a black blindfold on me.

"Dude!" I freaked out. "I'm not liking it!"

"Me neither. But just hold on. We're going there." She held my hand.

"If you make me trip off of my feet I'll kill you." I tightened my grip. "Where are we?"

"Just about to come..." Sophie held my hand tighter. "There you go."

But then after that, she left me alone. I guess. It's quiet up here, but I know we're in the rooftop. Suddenly the wind made me freezing. Gosh I'm not liking a situation where I can't see anything around me.

"I love you."

A whisper in my left ear shocked me. I felt this hand on my waist. Still with my blindfold on, I tried to guess who's this person in front of me. But the smell...I can tell by the smell. Oh no. No way.

He landed a kiss right on my lips. Just so smooth, so genuine. It was the best kiss I've ever had, speaking about it's my first kiss too. God's with me, but I think I know who's kissing me. I can't be wrong.

"Happy birthday..."

I smiled through his whisper, followed by another kiss on my forehead. The freezing wind that hit me now get covered by his presence. I just thank God inside, that it is indeed, God saved the best for the last.

"Toby." I murmured.

"Hey." He took my blindfold off. "You recognize me."

"That perfume." I punched his chest playfully.

"I'm sorry I've been such a bad person and literally missed the moment of singing happy birthday to you at the very exact 12 am last night. But it's because I was preparing this."

He stepped aside and bam, all the Before You Exit guys and crew were here. It's funny, like they're celebrating the band member's birthday. I glanced around and spotted Sophie inside Connor's arm.

"Of course you are." I rolled my eyes.

"Hahaha oh yes indeed." She laughed so hard. "Happy birthday sweety."

"Thank you." I hugged her.

"Come meet everybody." She gave me to the rest of the pack.

I spent such a good time with whole crew, which more likely a family to these guys. I don't know where Sophie started it, but definitely Connor's command has brought them all to celebrate the parade's after-party here on my birthday. Quite interesting.

"Can we have a walk?" Toby grabbed my hand this evening when we just finished the dinner.

"Sure." I nodded.

"Uhm..." He turned around and faced me.

"You know what? Let me ask you first. What was that for?" I went straight to the point.

"Meaning?" He widened his eyes.

"The...'that'." I cleared my throat.

"I can't hear you." Toby smirked. So bad. I hate it when I'm blushing.

"The kiss." I said in short.

"Oh, the kiss." He nodded. "I should've been doing it since a while ago. And it's killing me, until just now."

"Meaning...?" I squinted my eyes.

"I love you. Pretty much that's what I'm saying to you. I hope you get it. I hope you can take it." He kneeled.

"Oh shoot Tobes you're not doing this!" I whispered.

"Will you, give me that chance, answer me this question that I should've been asking since day one... Be my girl?"

Toby just made my heart literally pounding. It's the most intense moment I've ever had. Dang it, 17th birthday. Why so complicated.

"If I said yes, then..." I was wondering.

"Oh! Stop it, right there. I already got the answer. Thank you." He spinned me around.


"Love you too." He kissed my lips.

What else. Tonight, in this rooftop, with everybody's cheers, I let loose my feeling to him.The one that I've been spending time hiding it. The one I've been afraid of. The one I've been denied. I glanced at Sophie and mouthed thank you, and she replied me by winking back. Oh yeah. He's here, made me standing on his toe, kissed him, and I'm officially 17. I'm dating a celebrity? Dang it.

But either way, Merry Christmas everyone.

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