Chapter 10

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Today I was going shopping at the local mall. Alone. Mom said I need to give myself some credit. So novels shopping would be great. Mom and Dad drove me to the mall before they're going somewhere, and later I'll go home by myself.

I was about to go inside this book store, until a huge Plasma TV on the main floor attracted me with its advertisement. Oh shoot. I know this song too well. Too well until I can't hear it anymore. This morning's conversation was already hard, you don't have to remind me of it.

Macy's Parade 2014 featuring The Vamps, Dan and Shay, Before You Exit...!

"Gosh." I sighed. As much as I wanted to go further with the ads, I forced myself to stay away from it.

"What is it? You don't like BYE?" A girl beside me suddenly spoke.

"Hmm? You talk to me?" I looked around. Nobody's here.

"Yeah. I saw you rolling your eyes over BYE. You don't like them?" She asked again.

"Oh no, not like I don't like them." I chuckled. Weird question.

"Then why? You're in other fandom?" She followed me to the next corridor now.

"Fandom? What are you talking about?" I studied her eyes. Oh right. She might be the guys' street team or something.

"Like me, I'm in BYE fandom. I love BYE so much. And my favorite, it's Toby. You know, the youngest one." She stood really close to me and started fangirling.

"Toby, yeah, I heard a thing or two about him." I raised my eyebrows. I'm not interested.

"And you know what I like about him? He's this awkward yet lovely. One time I went to a House Party around here, the guys asked him to fake propose me. Oh gosh that's the best time of my life! And also this one..."

For God's sake I never met this girl before but she ranted me about almost everything, about her whole chapters of life and why she loved Toby. First, I'm not using that tag on myself as fangirl. Second, I really wanted to thank her for ruining my perfect day by telling how amazing Toby is and that proposal stuff. I really don't want to take part of it.

"Wow. Right. Interesting." I nodded. "Look. Uhm, I really like you, but may I get some books first? I've had a schedule."

"Oh sure! Sorry! I just hope that you can love BYE, our own local soldiers." She smiled widely.

"Yeah! Yeah sure. Thank you." I squinted my eyes with a fake smile because I don't know anymore how to build a genuine one.

"Bye bye!" She waved. Finally.

I just raised my hand and waved her back. Let's relieve a thankful breath. I didn't ask for that conversation.

After spending a minute to reminisce everything, I started looking for some books that I've noted. I walked here and there the entire store, til I got 5 books that I wanted. So I started to queue in the cashier line.

"Hey again! You're still here!" That girl came back and bumped into me.

"Oh wow. Yeah I am." I shook my head. Uh-hm. Not again.

"This! I want to give you this. Do you have Twitter? We really want to trend #ProudofBYE on Twitter when they hit the float on Macy's Parade! Come and join us!" She gave me a flyer with so many the guys' photos in there.

"It's really nice, what an awesome idea." I stared at the flyer, more likely at Toby's photos. "I'm not sure, but I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you so much! It's okay though, I'm glad you're taking it in consideration." She hugged me.

"You...dedicate your whole life to them, huh?" I murmured.

"BYE give me one more chance and reason to live. It's called dedication." She waved. "Oh my name's Amanda!"

"I'm Klarika." I nodded. "Bye."

I stared at this flyer all over again as well as waiting for my turn to pay my books in the cashier. Look at this thing. Apart from how confused Amanda was making me, she also made me think with this. Something about the fact, that Toby's no longer my sassy little best friend with TM hats who used to sleep over at mine at anytime we wanted. I might have been seen this wrong. I demanded too much about something that wasn't even mine.

I walked out of the store, headed to Starbucks store inside the mall, still with their Dangerous music video being played all over the place. It made even frustrated. It'd be easier if I didn't fall in love with him. It would have been so much easier.

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