jealousy ♡

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(yes the pic of George is supposed to be there)


"Okay- okay okay relax just calm down" I hear George say

"NOOOO STOP KILLING ME" I say, hearing them all laugh

We're streaming on Dream smp, and George is doing nothing but nonstop killing me

"That one was canon" Dream says

"No it wasn't George can't even spell lore he doesn't get to be part of it" I respond

They start laughing, and I run back to my stuff.

George runs up and hits me once again, getting me down to two hearts

"GEORGE-" I yell, as he hits me once again

I see my character die, and I stand up, walking away from my desk in a fit of rage

"GEORGE STOP YOU BITCH" I say, laughing as I go back to my desk

"Or what??" He says

"Is that a threat?" I ask

"It's a promise" he replies to me as we go quiet

After about five seconds of silence, Dream starts wheezing and I do as well.

"George is for sure flirting right now" Dream says

"George stop flirting on my timeline" I say, laughing as my chat is mainly filled with "HAHAHAH" and "AWKWARDDD" 's

"I'm not flirting with you y/n..... or am I?" He asks, causing me to laugh once again

We all laugh a bit, messing around with the jokes of George flirting with me.

"Wheres Sapnap? He's been so quiet" Dream says, helping me realize

"Oh yeah Sapnap are you alive?" I ask, smiling

"yea" he responds fairly quietly

"You good dude? You're so quiet." I say

"yea I'm chillin" he responds quietly again, giving us practically nothing.

"Sapnap mad because he misses when y/n would flirt with him on stream instead of George" Dream responds, causing me to laugh.

"I'm for the whole team" I joke, making it obvious I'm not actually flirting with anyone seriously.

"Chat, real quick this is all just a joke I'm not flirting with anyone for real" I say, to my stream.

"No stop lying y/n" George says

"George stopppp" I laugh

One more time, George runs up to my character in Minecraft and kills me


He continues to laugh as I struggle

I walk my character back to where I died just in time to see sapnaps character run up and murder George's right in front of me

I sit there, as Sapnap grabs all my stuff and runs to me, throwing it back to me.

"My hero! Thank you Sapnap!!" I say in a fake poetic voice

"Oh now Sapnap is your hero? Are you flirting with George is Sapnap today y/!?? Make up your mind!!" Dream laughs

"Dream shut up, go listen to heatwaves again and come talk shit to me" I say, causing the whole call to laugh.

We finish up my stream and I end, sitting in a call with them.

"Yeah I know. Anyways, I'm gonna head out real quick I'm gonna get food" Dream says

"Can you bring me some too?" Sapnap says

"Yup. See y'all soon" he says and leaves the call

"What about you George? Your boyfriend left the call are you gonna leave now too?" I say

"No, his girlfriend is still in the call." Sapnap says, with a monotone voice.

I furrow my eyebrows, confused why he sounds so sad.

"yeah I am actually going to go byeee" George says before leaving the call quickly.

"Two left in the call, what will they do?" I say, giving a small laugh

He gives a small quiet laugh and doesn't say anything

"How's your day been?" I ask, starting conversation

"good." He responds

"that's good... what are you up to?" I ask, still struggling to get him to converse with me.

"Looking up advice on how to flirt so I can teach you for George since that's what you love doing?" He says, with an upmost amount of attitude.

"Uh? Excuse me? What's your problem? Why are you being so mean rn?" I ask, confused at his constant amount of rude-ness.

"Nothing." He responds

"Why do you get mad every time George is brought up? What's going on??"

He says nothing, and I start to connect the dots.

"are you getting jealous or something?"

"No!" He says quickly

"Dude. Sapnap. Stop lying."

"I'm not"

"Okay bye I'll talk to you later" I say

"What?? No don't leave the call" he says

"Okay then be honest with me what the hell is going on with you" I respond

"Okay, fine, it's annoying when you and George flirt. I don't know why." He replied in an annoyed voice

"Okay, to me it only makes sense that there would be one reason that you are getting jealous like that. Yeah?" I ask

"yeah...." he responds

"Do you actually???" I say, confused

"Yeah I think so."

"YOU LIKE ME SAPNAP?" I exclaim, almost excited

"yes shut the fuck up"

"Wait that's sweet. You get jealous when I fake flirt with George and real flirt with you?" I say, laughing

"Wait what?" He asks

"Dude, when I flirt with YOU on stream that's real. Are you dumb?" I ask, laughing at how oblivious he is

"Wait seriously?? Do you feel the same??" He asks

"yes idiot I've made that beyond obvious"

"Wait wait no you actually like me??" He asks me




We both start laughing

"Do we do something from here?" He asks me

"I don't know, this is brand new for us, let's not act on it yet." I say

"Okay okay, sorry, I'm just really surprised" he says

"No it's okay. I'm excited" I laugh

We continue on the call, flirting randomly, happy with our new discovery that we made.


Word count: 978

Short oh well

Sapnap Imagines/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now