Ω #5

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To @DamnItsCam_

So hi mon mon.Good morning!! Hope chu had a good day well tomorrow i couldnt write a shit cox i was soo damn exhausted and worn out its like as soon as we reached here we got ready and went out to look for few thingys for the house i like few for myself as well ^.^ its good iam not the only child cox my parents jst drove me crazy but i had fun overall.we came back 1 in the morning even tho i was tired as shit but still i couldnt sleep and this damn wifi wasnt workin i called the reception like 1000 time even tho they refreshed but no use so i sneaked out and went to lobby cox at nyt i was missin home miserably u.u i thought ill get gud wifi signals there(in hurry i forgot my laptop i told chu iam a last moment person .-. and the funny thing is i brought my sis lappytoppy with my own charger so yep mobile was my only option which sucks big time)i wanted to write to chu and talk with ami.i miss her so much even if its only one day iam not talkin to her and i miss chu too.so as soon as i went there this chinese girl was workin on her laptop since the time we checked in so i got curious and went to sit with her tured out she was very friendly and we actually became gud frnds ^+^ we even made plans for today.ill tour her cox i noe this place pretty good xD

Right now iam alone in the room ill probably sleep for awhile than get ready n get going.idts ill be coming to wattass that much cox most of the time i wont be on as ill try my level best to njoy cox as soon as ill go back ill be having my xams n i have to prepare for it SHITTT..!! xD haha iam skipping one week of skul if my frnd noe theyll get heart attack teehee..but ill eventually call n tell them tomorrow..xP

Oh and iam not pmin chu cox seriously dude chur pm looks lyk someone died there Cx i noe..i noe its because of me..so ill be giving it a break for now too..luk i show soo much love to chu by respecting chur pm lolx..

Ugghh chu took awl my energy chu ass now iam off to bed..da vampire needs rest too..peace..

Love chu soooooooooo much my lil mon mon <3 and miss chu like hell v.v

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