Ω #9

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To @DamnItsCam_

Hi mon mon so i have decided to save my previous and today onward letters in my fast notepad cox net aint gud n i just want to make sure that iam not letting to many emotions out and ik chu must be thinkin i forgot about chu but no way in hell is dat ever going to happen.even if the heaven and earth change places iam nvr goin to take chu out of my mind and heart.iam just saving the letters n post it in one go..well letters are always a part of our history so i dont think it will make any difference..i wont be talkin here with anyone much n chu noe everyone is calling me selfish for dat but i dont give a cent anymore iam all done.your presence always calmed me but i dont feel that anymore i feel more of a screwed-up person.i cant do this shit anymore the guilt of not being there when chu were online is killin me slowly..i just h8 myself for it..dayuumm iam a bissh -.-

Few days back kc pmed me n all n chu noe i didnt feel a shit i am awl cold n feelingless n was lyk i cared about a person who nvr deserved my affection n dan der was dis other guy stand right infront of me to be loved n i was so blind but iam happy my eyes were froced to be opened on time cox i love chu so funkin much my lil mon mon and iam happy iam not late chu are worth all my attention chu ass xD i didnt tell ems about HIM cox she gets all funkin worried chu noe dat day when i told ems was talkin to him and taking care of the situation well all i can say is ems can be very scary.i almost pee my pants lol.well i read all der talk about me when i logged in to my other id.ems thought dat our frndship wont be da same after dat day and she tired to distance herself from me and she was thinkin dat mayb i h8 her for her lashin out on kc but dayyumm dat girl can be so dead wrong if i was asked to choose him or her i would have pointed my finger at her anytime..and i did.my love for both of chu grew 10 folds dat day cox chu both were da only one to noe and help me out..in my entire life no one stood up for me.everyone asked me for money, help and shit but when da time came up to help me they all ran away.but what chu both did dat day relly touched my heart and ily for dat.from day one i nvr felt shy to tell chu about my shit cox i felt this deep connect which i dont have with most ppl..even tho v both are world apart me with my trashy mouth and chu with chur sweetness but still v both found our ways to eachother and iam glade dat happened..in every step i took towards chu i fell deep in love with chu



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