Ω #8

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To @DamnItsCam_

Hay dude dont look at me like dat i noe i noe iam l8 for my letter dis mobile can sumtimes be a bitch i tell chu oh dis reminds me dat i hav to apologise gazz i couldn't reply her pm cox iam not home n here da net sucks ball man T^T but ill ans her qst in dis book anyway kk.it hasnt even been bloody 2 months with dis mobile n it started acting like a chowder head i almost reached my boilin point where i was about to break it jst ruined my day wait till i go back home ill shove dis shit in dat shop keepers throat my previous cell had da same bloody prob.my mobile says n i quote 'there isnt much space in your memory' lyk dafaq dude i delete all my pic n apps n still chu actin lyk chu bloody pmsin.idk why is dis case with awl my phones blekk!! N when i open sumthin it says 'the keypad not workin' so i even delete wattass only PA is der as my app iam usin my wattass with google..chu noe wht shop keepers here r such asswhores they sold 32 GB memory card on me forcefully he knew i was desperate n was like sori ma'am v only hav 32..dat bloody lier thinks iam a fool..God bless this bloody country is ruined.with all this i miss home and now its soo cold here i brought all summer kinna clothes here n suddenly it became so coldy coldy here *says in baby voice* oh n for almost two days *whispers* ill pm chu da rest of the sentence cox its too embarrassing..so yep if my f-in pm starts workin..

Oh n day b4 yesterday dis guy started callin ems babe n i was jst waitin when ems is goin to lash out on him but i guess after 3th time he called her babe she was like stop callin me babe i couldnt contain my laughter i couldnt stop caller her BABEE n she was da same with me.does that remind chu anythin eh..?!? eh..?!? Haha we both made a bet if chu stop callin babe n winkin ill do sumthin n chu promised me but chu found out anyway haha n for almost 2 days chu stopped dat annoyin habit of churs and oh my my..da pm i got all thnks to chu loser jst becox chu told every girl it was bcox of me..der was dis one girl chu said wait ask rib jay shell come soon and answer chu n i wont be callin anyone babe anymore jst cox of her chu clever ass..but iam much clever cox i was playin da game along chu.i was lyk i have noooo idea wht chu ppl mean teehee..boy chu always lost to me..some girls were jst soo jelly dat chu not callin dem babe cox i said so..hahahaha i laughed soo much i mean da pms were jst so funny.i didnt tell chu cox i wanted to njoy all attention..but i still laughed my ass off on those poor girls bcumin wild cat on me (sori sori BABEE i wuv chu..muah muah muah!!) Who am i kiddin chu still an ass..no kissy for chu xD

Love chu loads


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