Ω #12

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Hola mon mon,

So yep today atlast i made my time for wattass xD so the first thing i notices was wht hunny puff wrote for me n it came as a shocker to me.chu noe she thinks me as her sister idk whats her story or anyone else is except chu n ems..well idk about ems too but awl ik is that she has sumwhat da same story as me with different twist n mine starts from da very beginning..i nvr go deep in anyones life cox i dont lyk it n vice versa bs i did get a glimpse of chur life cox in dat way i wanted to get answers to few of my own qst n yes thnk to chu i did ^.^ but wht i think about kimmy is dat she loves her sister alot n giving dat position to me is a big honour for me cox when i compare sumone to my siblings it means i take them equal to my own blood relatives in every way n for me nothin runs deeper then dat.n i love my sibling more than life itself.n bs she even notice v nvr pmed eachother like at awl well let me tell chu sumthin if i lyk sumone i dont need to pm dem i only talk to dem on der mb...ok take it like dis when chu n i meet it was on chur wall talkin about 1D as chur cover which chur sis put as chur bg da very first day chu joined wattpad xD n v clicked jst lyk dat chu noe idk wht jst made me check my followers but i did anyway n dats how i saw chu it was faith i guess cox i nvr luk into my followers n i talked to chur sissy but when i talked to chu dat same day i told chu dat i dont lyk 1D at all but deep inside i knew dat v share many other things similar n my intuition was right as alway it took chu to pm me dats how v started to talk in pm..i am still confused wht chu saw in me to follow me or mayb it was jst lyk dat o.O? as i told chu i nvr ask unlike chu always do lolx then da same thing happened with ems..she was following me n out of all others i noticed her n i decided to thnk her for her follow idky i wanted to talk to her even her pp was plain no bio no nothin..v talked about butts n all i called her dude n she didnt lyk it dan she called me princess n i didnt lyk dat either v argued n dats how v became frnds with both of chu i was my bitchy self cox i knew dat chu ppl will except me dat way n wont judge..again it took ems to pm me n i meet hunny puff in my own mb da first thing she said to me was dat i was pretty n i argued against it then she offered me few cookies n i took dem n started teasing her n again bein my bitchy self same case same reason but v nvr pmed not dat iam waitin her too but its dat der is no reason to ik when i feel my connection with sumone i except dem without der secrets n all n pm is all about secrets so dis means my arms r open for chu ppl without knowing dem..haha i still remember i wasnt following ems n when i did she was lyk BISH! y werent chu followin me n i was lyk i didnt notice dan chu were lyk why arent chu following me with dat cute saddy face n i gave chu ems example but still chu were chur stubborn self n asked me y i was followin chur sis n not chu n chu want me too well i kept sayin no cox i always loved teasin chu..it always brought a smile on my face but i kept it in my mind dat i will as soon as chu will go off line n when chu notice chu were so happy aww n to me dat day chu were so funkin cute dat i wanted to pull chu chubby cheeks >XD..well mon mon iam thinkin about tellin kimmy about pa too if she keeps it to herself.chu her n ems my birdies..

@WinterBeanies @DamnItsCam_ @rocker-chick

Wuv chu all n love chu my mon mon


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