Ω #10

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To @DamnItsCam_

Hay do chu think i luk like a freakin kiddo.i mean ik i luk younger then my age but iam not freakin 4teen yrs old now am i..?!? But these stupid kiddos wont just take no 4 an answer.chu noe today was like da 4th time an idiotic boy threw his no. at me and i was like dafaq 0¤0 kid chu rather be drinkin a feeder then doin all that shit and i dont go 4 guys even if they are a month younger then meh..dat piece of shit just shrugged and said he funkin doesnt mind.can chu believe him..mumble asswhore -.- my frnd just held my wrist tight and pressed it further so i shouldnt attack him and scratch his eyeballs out..n yes i do have 2 of my frnds here i meet her last yr through my bro..i kind of have frnds all-round da world i guess lolx xP bs i was dressed conservatively..chu noe i try my best to dress up to blend in or sumtimes wear beggy clothes..dats da exact reason i dont dress nyc or do much make up..i did make up jst 8 funk time in my entire dayumm life but 4m now onwards ill do it any way cox even lyk dis they dont leave me alone

Now a days i try to work my ass off to get my mind off chu..its just when i think about chu i remember all stupid things we did and it does brings smile on my face but in de end my brain is set on the same line dat in de end he is leaving chu and thats when my heart gets so heavy i think at dat moment it gets impossible for me to even breath..that day when chu told me about chur condition n i told chu i went to HIM and chu asked me was it bcox of chu n i lied n said no well yes it was and i didnt noe how to control my feeling then chu told me when ever i feel sad so to go to either blake or ems but chu noe wht dat chowder head frnds of churs vanished in thin air dat blake da bakery ass(pstt it goes with his name xD) n quintin da queen but i call him quinny cox well *shrugs* iam da queen so no one else can be that n chu da peasant haha jk jk chu da king who sits on stool and i sit on my thrown yep da same one which i showed chu n hay dont luk at me lyk dat atleast i called chu a king last time chur loser ass called me peasant xP i can do da same *shows chu tongue* ullll :P but iam kind enough not to.so yep iam da queen and chu da king.dayumm v got out of topic luk now wht chu made me do*huffs* xD so yes those both ran away even gazz n irha were annoyed n ems kept on askin me i was lyk as if i noe.wht i thought was mayb der skul started n they might b busy with football.all i want dem to do is jst update about chu to any one of us i dont mind and about sharing my probs well i only lyk doin dat with chu cox sumhow chu know wht i am talkin about alway..and well ems is a far gone case so yep its a no no..she runs away and starts cryin herself to sleep so iam left on my own without chur warm hugs.idk wht to do than, where to run off.i feel all trapped with my feeling panting up inside me.so i stop cumin on wattass n talk with ppl cox if they make one wrong move ill b a devil myself so i have stopped talkin with anyone here entirely my pm is reachin da sky but idc anymore.its for der own gud.tho i still post loads of pics in Pa and iam gettin positive response each day even made many new frnds too n i kik with dem its just like most of dem r sumhow like me they respect arts n singin highly i lyk that..except for few bs i noe whom iam talkin to..r day fake or not..cox most fake add fake in der name lolx xD i do still hav to upload few of chur pics too but idk how to set dem up and scared dat girls will bully n piss me off lyk they do here one of da girl here even thought dat i was chu gf i was lyk wft 0.0 haha n palllllxxxx dont get chur ego inflated i cant deal with dat huge Humpty Dumpty head of churs xDD ps love chu flat ass <33


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