Chapter 9

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Tyler's POV

She doesn't want to listen to me. She just started digging her own grave.

I have reason to believe that Dylan is working with one of the biggest Mafia in Italy and Mexico whose activities are breaching the United States.

I have never caught him red handed but one day I will.

And I'm counting on that day to come so I can finally put him behind bars.


"Stop it, its ticklish" I hear someone giggling with my step bro.

It will probably some of his whores with him.

I don't know what I'll do if I see Alexa and him making out anywhere at all.

I felt thirsty and decide to go get a drink but the sight I see makes me to feel so angry.

It was Alexa and Dylan watching movies and they were in the process of making when I saw them.

She noticed my arrival and I could swear I saw her smirk.

I turn around and go the the front door.

I am not jealous.

I log into my instagram cause I was bored.

I have already reached over 5 million followers probably because I was famous on the news during my other cases.

My inbox were messages filled with people who want to hire me to help them solve this and that.

I don't have time for all of those so I pretend I didn't see any message.

I was so deep into my phone that the opening of the door took me unaware.

"What are you doing here" I hear her say.

"We have to talk" I say bluntly.

"No, we don't have anything to talk about".

"Fine, I want to apologise for taking out my anger on you the other day, it was wrong of me so I'm apologizing, Am I forgiven"

"No way, I can't forgive you that easily".

"Well I don't care anymore. I've apologized to you so anything you say again I don't give a damn fuck about it, goodnight" I say and leave her to meditate on my words.

I'm going to do what she wants and that is take care of myself from now on.


Monday morning was seriously boring. I got detention in all the classes that I had today.

You can't blame me for changing to how I was before.

In science class, I was asked to answer a question.  But I stupidly answered her with a question which earned me a detention believe me you do not want to know what I said.

Due my detention I left school premises by 7pm.

And when I got home my step mom was really mad.

Private InvestigatorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang