Chapter 1

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It's been approximately 5 weeks since the world ended, I don't know how I survived but I did. I then realized I was the only person who survived. By person I mean I still have my pet dog Max. I'm pretty sure there are still some more animals out there but the zombies probably got to them by now. I was scared those zombie's are out day and night. I usually hide out in stores that have multiple supplies. I just want this thing to end. As Max and I approached a store that looked safe enough I heard a growl. "Max...come here boy." I called out and he didn't obey. I was quick to grab a nearby object. Zombies. Again? I almost attacked the creature and realized it was another dog. "Max. DON'T APPROACH. GET OVER HERE." I said in a stern voice. He slowly backed aways ,heading towards me he kept growling. I saw it had a collar. Danbi. I kept walking with Max to the store,trying my best to ignore the animal. Max bit at my sleeve and pulled it back. "Jesus Christ! What is it?" I whisper shouted and as I turned around I saw a shoe. "...Go get it." I said rolling my eyes he panted and ran after the shoe I watched closely. I heard a growl and it wasn't Max or the other dog. I looked around and saw a zombie approaching Max. "Max." I whispered and he saw the zombie. He ran towards it and bit it's leg. I ran towards the zombie and sliced it's neck open watching the black substance fall down it's body. "Bad boy. You could've gotten infected." I said and his eyes watered. "I'm sorry...l-lets go." I said and he followed me into the store. It was quiet and as we searched around no zombies were to be found. I quickly grabbed a pair of clothes and began changing. Max walked towards the pet food aisle and I smiled. "You can pick...and you can get that toy you wanted so badly." I said and he barked happily. "Shhh you'll get us caught." I joked knowing that I secured the doors. He put his paw on the bag of dog food and I opened the bag from him. He began to eat the food and I grabbed the green squeaky toy he wanted as a puppy. "Mommy's hungry too." I said walking towards the food aisle. I was happy to see the life time supply of food. What to eat? I grabbed a bag of gummy worms and started to eat the snack. Max placed his head on my lap and I sighed. "I know...I miss her too." I said looking at the gummy worm I was about to eat.

"STOP IT HYUNA IT TICKLES!"I shouted as my sister tickled my stomach. "Girls that's enough!" My mom yelled with a small smiled. I noticed she had a bag behind her back. "Mommy what's that?" I asked and Hyuna tried to look behind her. "Candy!" She said handing us the bags filled with delicious junk food. My sister and I couldn't celebrate Halloween due to my sister breaking her leg. I stayed with her because that's what sister's do. I watched as she looked through the bag a wide smile appearing on her lips. "GUMMY WORMS MY FAVORITE!"She hugged mom pulling me into the hug. "I love you." She whispered. Gummy worms always cheered my sister up it was her most favorite thing in the world.  She says it's because when I was a toddler she would always sneak me gummy worms so I would have more energy to play with her. It was a memory she'd never forget. A tear fell down my shirt and I realized she was crying. "Please don't leave me I love you guys so much." She said and mom looked at me with sad eyes. "Hyuna we'll never leave you." We said in unison and she smiled. My sister was my happiness I couldn't stand her crying.
*End of flashback*
I cleared my throat as a tear slid down my cheek. I lost Hyuna during the apocalypse it was all my fault I didn't pull her up with me in time. "Max...I don't know what i would do without you." I said as I pet him softly. "Let's get some rest yeah? You want to keep watch out?" I asked and he cuddled up next to me. "Fine...but if you hear something in your sleep. Bark." I said grabbing a blanket nearby and pillows. Max never sleeps in his doggy bed he always sleeps next to me. That's why I love him. I yawned and closed my eyes. I made sure my gun was by me just in case a zombie broke in somehow. "Night Max."
*Next morning*
I woke up hearing a loud scream. I wasn't surprised that's what we always hear...that's all we hear. Max stretched his body out and rolled over to my side. "Hey... sorry. We have to leave...there might be helicopters this time." I said and he put his paw on my lap. "I know I know...I said that last time can never have too much hope you know?" I asked and got up, he stayed put. "Come on let's go Max." I said and he looked at the direction of the dog treats."Fine. But afterwards okay?" I asked and he got up,running to the door. I giggled and grabbed my gun,knife, crowbar, bullets,and I put a bullet proof vest on Max to make sure no zombies got to him."I know it's uncomfortable but it's for your safety." I said planting a kiss on his wet nose. As we walked outside together I sighed in relief seeing no zombies. "Coast's clear."I sarcastically remarked as Max ran off without permission. I noticed Danbi was still in it's spot. I pulled Max towards me and we walked around not to far from base to see if there were any signs of more people. Of course there was nothing. We're all alone and I don't have a plan. "Let's head back to base."I said and Max whined and followed me back to the store.

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