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When I say I'm a misanthrope, I don't mean I hate nice, friendly people who have the best interests of everyone and the world at heart, or somewhere close to it. I say I'm a misanthrope because I hate how most people actually are, which are permutations of boring, dull or jerks. 

I hate how people find humor that puts others down not only funny, but also approve of it. I hate how we find ways to make each other's lives more miserable instead of less and have little to no humanity guiding our visible actions and behavior. I hate how people can get lonely and desperate, yet the exhibition of said desperation is repulsive to even those feeling it. I hate how people long for a connection, yet once they get it they fail to make anything out of it. I hate people who don't believe that honor and trust is something one should always try to have.

I just hate how people are. Most don't meet the ideal of a good person that I have in mind. Perhaps my ideals are set too high, or perhaps humanity is too low. Whatever, that's just the way it is. I have no love for your average/common person who always shows neutral evil tendencies.

Its funny how as a misanthrope I now don't hate myself. Granted, I used to, but I had to go past it. I know I'm regrettably a creature of this misguided species, and perhaps no better than the ones I put down. But then at least I'm conscious of it, which automatically makes me better than the unconscious swathes of the masses. My inner arrogance is but a sheen, a covering, a makeshift armor to prevent me from going insane. 

Self-depreciation isn't productive, it only makes you worse off than you actually are. In contrast, self-appreciation may actually increase your capabilities, if not leading to overconfidence and complacence, and I'm quite far from that stage yet. It's just how our brains' systems work. You think you are better, you actually become better, just due to the confidence and strength derived from that thought/belief if from nothing else. You think you are worse, you actually become worse because of the negative feelings arising from it.

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