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That's it. We've been doing this all wrong.

Nihilism was never the answer, because finding the purpose of life was never the question in the first place. Humankind needs to search for purpose in life, not purpose beyond life. For what's beyond life is death, which will have its own systems. We know nothing about what will happen beyond life, hence we could never find the purpose of life.

However, we know about what's in life. Each event we encounter, each person, each word, though it has no impact in the long run, has an immediate impact (big or small) on our experience of life. Is this what existentialism is? Or experiencism? 

Whatever, all I know is this, life is experiences, and each experience matters because they impact us, they impact our life. Hence we must pursue maximum utility through our experiences, and make goals that we wish to achieve IN life, to make life better for us. Alas, its all so much work though, and I would rather just fade away...

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