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So, my new purpose in life is to be happy and content. Yet, what meaning do emotions really have? Somehow, like all the other philosophies to live life, my brain didn't choose to shut down self-fulfillment. What is the meaning that my brain saw in hormone-induced experiences, that made it not care about its existential significance?

Well for one emotions do fit well into the existentialist philosophy, which is basically living to experience. Emotions are a big part of that, they are associated with almost every experience. Even the lack of emotion itself can be experienced, perhaps through boredom or feeling numb. So pursuing a happy/content life means you maximize the utility you derive from life, and try to make the experiences in life more satisfying and enjoyable. This supports the hedonistic view of life too, as by seeking pleasure you seek happiness and enjoyment, which makes life better.

Yet, what meaning can a nihilist derive from positive emotions? Why does a nihilist delude themselves into positive nihilism, abstractionism and other meaningless philosophies? The answer, I think, lies in the primal instinct of our brain of pain-avoidance.

Positive emotions may be meaningless, but so are negative emotions. The nihilist is fine with that, except that they have to experience the negative emotions as well. And the experience is tough on their entire mind and body. Considering that a nihilist still has the will or an obligation to live, negative emotions only deteoriate life's quality further and make life tougher to live. Following our rational instincts, the nihilist would avoid experiences that give rise to negative emotions, simply because the experience is undesirable. And meaningless.

Neutral emotions won't satisfy a nihilist, for such a state of mind leads to boredom, numbness, restlessness etc. A neutral existence is extremely dull, and won't provide full satisfaction from life to any person. Although still existing, our subject is not 'living'. Furthermore, it is far easier to slip from neutral to negative than from positive to negative. Perhaps the pain avoidance instinct drives this pursuit, as it wants the mind to be more defensive/far away from negative emotions, and hence seeks out positive emotions through desirable experiences. Volia, pursuit of happiness explained.

So, the meaning of emotions are like of any other experience, you have to actually feel and do something which makes a tangible impact on your existence. Though your existence may not impact the universe, the universe certainly impacts your existence. And thus we seek happiness and joy and all the good things in life, because they are meaningful to us in the duration of our lives, and have an immediate, tangible impact on our existence.

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