"Why are you in My silk shop!?" Spider girl OC#8

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Name: She quietly hums while setting up her shop. She ran her fingers along the soft and silky clothing she spent all of her time making. She looked up at her shops sign Spiders Cloth was the name. (Vesla)

Gender: She quietly hummed as she started lighting up her shop. She shifted items and other things all while quietly listening for any intruders. She clicked her tongue her thoughts drifted over to finding a mate. She remembered her lessons on what she should do if she couldn't find a male she had a pet of her biology to be able to mate with a female. She blinks snapping out of her thoughts before shaking her head. (Female or Futa)

Sexuality: It didn't matter to her who she decided to choose as her mate. As long as there personality was passable and they weren't brain dead then she would be fine with them. (Bisexual)

Species: Her species was very special and one where they would have to find a mate very resilient to toxic substances. Her very nails have poison in them. Her species was covered in poison glands making it so that even the smallest scratch can be lethal for a normal human. However, there silk is the best in all ways not to mention extremely durable to force or ripping leaving them on a level above military grade Kevlar. (Pluto Spider)

Looks: She wipes off a window and stares at her reflection. She pressed her hand against the glass before she blinks and removed her hand. A smoking and melted hole was bubbling from where her hand had touched. She sighs watching the auto repair spell work and slowly reform the glass. She shakes her head before moving away again.

Personality:Paranoid, patient, playful, teaser, bubbly at times, helpful

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Paranoid, patient, playful, teaser, bubbly at times, helpful

Why need a weapon when your body is the deadliest one?

Likes: She remembered the few things she could do without threatening another persons life sewing was one of the few things she could do.
(Sewing, high places, the scent of customers, being able to sell clothing, people being relaxed around her)

Dislikes: she remembered when a group of thieves tried to steal some of her silk and clothing..none of them saw the light of the next day.
(Thieves, liars, people who call Her a murderer, being screamed at)

Strengths: heightened senses, night vision, rarely sleeps, paranoid and aware of her surroundings at almost all times, immune to almost every poison, everything the comes in contact with had a poison remnant left behind.

Weakness: everything she touches is left was an acidic poison remnant rendering her touch and contact lethal to most species be they dragon or human.

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