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After Yuri finishes making the tea she sets it on the table. She looks over at Monika still talking to MC. "That bitch will not take him like this..." she mumbles under her breath. Yuri walks over to Monika and MC. "Monika. The tea is done so why don't you and Natsuki go and drink some okay? Hahaha that way I can get to know our new member a bit more" she says to Monika. Monika's smile fades from her face and she stares at Yuri with a plain expression. Monika suddenly smiles. "Okay sure Yuri I think it would be fantastic for you to speak your mind and get to know our new member" Monika says and then walks away to go and get Natsuki for tea. "So uhm your name is MC? Haha well as I said I'm Yuri... so what kind of books do you like to read?" Yuri says to MC with a small smile on her face and her book still in her hands. "Uhh...well" MC replies. Yuri looks over at Natsuki who was looking in their direction. Natsuki looks away and goes back to drinking tea and reading her manga. "Oh well...that's very interesting I suppose" Yuri says while looking at MC. "What kind of books do you read Yuri?" He asks clearly trying to make the conversation a little less awkward. "Well I read mostly horror I love the deep meanings and scary, dark topics." She mutters half expecting him to be weirded out. "Oh that's really cool Yuri..I didn't expect that you seemed pretty shy from how you were acting earlier" he says. "Well I don't know why I was acting that way haha just nervous I suppose but horror is my favorite book genre. You should try reading some some time" she says and then looks down. "Ah well maybe I will" he says and then smiles at her. She returns the smile. "Okay everyone we need to go over some things" Monika says loud enough for everyone to hear. Yuri rolls her eyes as her and everyone else walks toward Monika. But instead of listening she was thinking about MC. "I need to find a way to spend more time with him...I can't let Monika hog him like she was doing..." Yuri thinks to herself. "Maybe we could-" that's when Yuri's thought process is cut off when she hears MC say "Well I never actually agreed to join the club". She see's Monika frown and Natsuki turn away angrily. "No he can't just leave..." Yuri thinks to herself as she looks at her feet and frowns. "Well uhhh...I guess...I could..join.." she hears MC say. She looks up and smiles " Yes!!!". "Well tomorrow we will be bringing in our poems and we will share them with everyone in the club" Monika says. Yuri wasn't really paying attention but came to the conclusion that they had to write a poem to share tomorrow. Obviously that was kinda scary to her, letting other people...and MC read her poems. "Guess it won't hurt to long as MC likes my poems... I'll be happy" she thinks as she sees everyone starting to leave the club. She cleans up her Tea Set and leaves as well.

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