What Have you Done

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  TW: Blood, Murder,  and Death

   Yuri woke up extra early today. She had a plan to get rid of Monika. Yuri got changed into a sweater and leggings. It was Friday meaning she had school today but had to get something done before she left for school. 

     She grabbed her dark purple phone off of her nightstand and unlocked it using her fingerprint as password. Yuri scrolled through her contacts. She didn't know where Monika lived but she had her phone number. Yuri called Monika with an evil grin on her face. Monika answered.

    "Hey Monika!" Yuri said trying to sound cheerful.

    "Hello Yuri. Weird getting a call from you at" Monika paused for a minute. "5 in the morning" She said.

    "Well we haven't been getting along recently and we haven't hung out in outside of the club in awhile. So I was wondering if I could come over to your house this morning and we could walk to school together?" Yuri asked while putting on a fake smile.

   "Oh! Okay then Yuri. That sounds great!!" Monika said. She sounded very cheerful, like she wanted to fix her friendship with Yuri and maybe this would help. Yuri could tell Monika was looking forward to her visit.

    Monika gave Yuri her address and Yuri wrote it down on a sticky note and slipped it into her pocket. They said their goodbyes and Yuri hung up. 

    She walked into her kitchen. Yuri opened the drawer which held some of her knifes. She pulled out the one with the sharpest, shiniest blade. She looked at her reflection in the knife.

   "Sorry Monika. But it has to be done" She said with a fake frown on her face that quickly turned into a sly grin. Yuri had thought about killing Monika throughout the whole night. She didn't feel bad at the thought of her wanting to get rid of her. 

   Yuri grabbed her backpack that had her school uniform in it. She slipped the knife into the big pocket on the bag. Yuri slipped the bag over her arms and walked out of her door, locking it behind her.

  As she started walking towards Monika's house she got more feelings with every step. Not exactly good feelings, but they weren't bad. More like a blood lust of some sort. Yuri arrived at the front door. It was dead silent in Monika's neighborhood.

   Yuri knocked on the door. But there was no answer. 

   She knocked again.

   And again.

  And again.

Yuri felt angry. "Where is she" Yuri thought. She turned the doorknob to see if it was open. The door opened slightly. Yuri got a bad feeling in her stomach. She gently opened the door.

  She saw something that made her stomach drop. She couldn't say anything...She was to scared to. She couldn't believe what was in front of her eyes. She didn't think she would care this much if something like this did happen. But she did. She felt a tear drop run down her face.

    What was in front of her was Natsuki's lifeless body. Lying on the ground in Monika's house. Not to far from the front door. Yuri dropped her bag on the floor. She opened it in a hurry and grabbed her knife, zipped the bag back up, then stood up with the knife in her hand. 

  She heard footsteps upstairs. Then two voices. She got a feeling that she needed to go up there. She gripped the knife's handle tighter. She started walking towards the stairs. 

   As she stepped over Natsuki's body she felt a horrible feeling. She lost her friend. She wanted this to happen in some sort of twisted sick way but she still felt awful. Her friend was dead. One of her only friends. And she didn't even do it.

   Yuri passed Natsuki's body and took her first step up the stairs. The step creaked as her foot landed on it. She took another step. And another. And another. Until she reached the top of the staircase. She no longer heard noises. Just silence. It was darker in the house. She could barely see in front of her.

   She walked until she could feel a light switch. She turned it on. Yuri took a step into the closest room and saw two people.

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