Monika Visits

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"Hmmph" Yuri mumbles. All she can hear is a loud ringing sound. She gets up and wipes her eyes. Yuri smacks her hand on her alarm clock making it stop making the noise. "Shut...up" she mumbles. She steps out of her bed and walks to the bathroom to get a shower started. *KNOCK KNOCK* She hears someone knocking at her door. "Fuck!!" She runs to her room and throws on a hoodie to cover her arms. She runs down the stairs and almost falls down them as she runs. She opens the door to find Monika standing there. "What the fuck does she want?" Yuri thought to herself. She felt annoyed. She was annoyed that Monika was stealing MC away from her yesterday and now had the nerve to show up at her door. "Oh hello Yuri! Sorry to disturb but I just wanted to borrow something from you." Monika said with a sweet smile on her face. "What do you wanna borrow?" Yuri asked trying not to sound to annoyed. "Ahaha...I just needed to borrow a book. But I was wondering if you had two copies of said book?" Monika seemed nervous. Like something was wrong and Yuri could tell. But she didn't really care. "What book?" Yuri replies scared that it would be the ones her and MC might read today. "The portrait of marcov" Monika said "I saw you reading that yesterday and was wondering if you had two copies I could borrow...if not then I was wondering if I could just borrow the one you were reading." "Nope sorry. Don't have two copies" Yuri said quickly as she turned to close her door. "WAIT! Natsuki said she saw you with two of them the other day!! Listen Yuri I just need to borrow them I promise I'll give them back but it's for a club thing..." Monika said as she made a sad face. Yuri knew Monika would know something was up if she said no. "Uhm...fine. Let me go and get them out of my bag in my room." Yuri walked upstairs to her room again. "Why the heck would she need two copies of one book for a club thing. Why my book? Does she not have any fucking books at her house." Yuri thought to herself as she grabbed the books out of her bag and walked back downstairs to Monika. "Here" Yuri said as she handed the books to Monika. "Thank you Yuri!! I'll give them back tomorrow I promise!!" Monika said as she turned around and left. Yuri stood staring at Monika with a serious, angry expression. As soon as she could no longer see Monika she slammed her door shut and walked back to her shower to take a shower and get ready for school.

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