She has to go

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    Yuri arrived home and stood at her door. She didn't know what to do. The person she loved was freaked out because of her. "I don't have his number or I would call him" She thought as she walked into her house and locked the door. She dropped her bag at the entrance way and took out her phone from it. Yuri looked at her phone and dialed Monika's number. 

        "Hey Monika." Yuri said to her once she answered the phone. Monika said nothing back.

        "Monika...I wanted to say sorry for the way I acted back there. But it wasn't my fault." Yuri laughed a bit. "It's yours. I want him, why can't you understand that?!" Yuri almost shouted into her phone.

       "Yuri I-" Monika started to say but was cut off by Yuri.

         "You kept on taking him!! All I wanted was to have him. Even just reading a book with him would've made me happy...but don't want me to be happy. Do you Monika?" Yuri wasn't smiling or laughing anymore. She had an emotionless expression on her face.

     "Yuri I don't know what you want me to say to that. I want you to be happy but you scared our new club member today. I want you to make friends so I would love for you to hang out with him next meeting. But...But other people want to talk to him to. I have actually became his friend over the past few days. Sorry Yuri. I'll try my best to help you. I'll talk to you tomorrow Yuri. Bye." Monika said then hung up.

 Yuri stood still for a moment. She didn't know what to do. She knew Monika was lying. Monika didn't want her to be happy. She was selfish. Yuri threw her phone across the room. Yuri fell to the floor as tears flowed down her face. She buried her face in her hands and cried.

   That's when she got an idea. She started laughing while wiping the tears off her face. she got up and ran to her room. She grabbed one of her sharpest knifes and stared at her reflection in the blade. She repeated the thought in her head.

                                                              "I'm going to kill Monika"

Unhealthy ObsessionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora