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"Welcome to Korea"

I fluttered my eyes open as the Plane made an announcement. I stretched and looked out the window. We are almost there. "That felt like a 15 minutes ride" I said. "That's because you slept ma'am" my butler, Jun, said. "Why not just take a jet or a private plane instead of a public plane" She asks no one. "Maybe this is much cheaper" Jun said. "C'mon dude, dad is a richass mother-"

"Im not hearing your curse the first thing you wake up" Jun cut her off. She chuckled and nodded. Jun is like her bestfriend. He is always with her and truly understands her. He also hates her father and they bond their time by trash talking their father. 

Jun and Jihan have their secret youtube channel that creates edits of her father. They also make funny edits of staff. Their father tried to take down the channel but Jun is a great hacker that they made a strong protection for the channel. In the end her father gave up on deleting the channel but instead, they have to watch out if the any of the uploaded videos are being spread out. Even tho its not spread out, lots of young people happened to find their channel and loved it. 

They hopped off the plane and a van was waiting for them. "Aish.." She cursed upon seeing the van. "I really hate how they showed my father so much respect because of money" She said. "I know right" Jun said. They both shook their heads before chuckling. 

"kaja!" She took a deep breathe before riding the van.

"ah ah ah, Jun will be sitting beside me" She said to one of the maids that was about to sit beside her. "But you father told me-" "no" She firmly said. 

The maid sighed visibly irritated. Jun came and sat beside her smiling. "You are really something" He complimented. "Thank you, oppa" She bowed politely. They both chuckled.

Jihan never liked Korea because of how Koreans treats her and her family. With Jun beside her, she thinks she will be fine and possibly have fun. The school part is somewhat undecided for Jun will not be with her at that time.  She might be an outcast or she might be popular but still lonely. 

"Am I really gonna go to school" She asked Jun. "Father's orders"  She sighed. y


They entered their apartment. The 2 butlers and maid are on the apartment beside them. "Appa, can't I stay in Grandmother's house?" She asked as soon as she stepped inside the apartment. "Or can I stay with Jun the whole vacation?" She asked.

She have always like her Grandmother. She understands her like Jun. She is sweet and kind, almost the opposite of her father. Her grandmother always tells her stories about of her father. Those are the only time he doesn't hate his father. On top of all that, Her grandmothers owns a strawberry farm and sells it for a living. Jihan loves strawberry so much and she receives fresh strawberries for free. She does various shakes, desserts, and dishes with strawberries. She loved living simply in her grandmother's home. The people there also treats each other nicely and know the definition of being fair. 

"Mom's house?" Her father asked. Her father know how much she loves her grandmother. "If you stay there, you will also study there" He said. "Eung! That's okay" She said coolly. 

"You will leave tomorrow." Her father said. "assa!" She silently cheered before going to her room. 

She looked around. "I'm surprised. Nothing changed." 

The room are colored in beige making it look sad. She picked black colored items and some our bright neon colors. Her room look like a studio and any composer or song producer would surely like it. "I don't want to leave my room" She sadly said.

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