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"You completely ruined my little date with Lucas" Jihan said munching on thr snacks Lucas brought. "I was here first" Chihoon defended.

They sat side by side as the munch on the snacks. "Yah leave some for Lucas" Jihan said. "But you ate the most. I only ate this, this, and that" Chihoon said pointing at the snack he ate.

Jihan scoffs as she begun eating again. "Yah eat slowly. Looks like you havent eaten in years" Chihoon said as he looked at her with worried eyes.

"Why do you keep worrying? Do you like me?" Jihan looked at him. "What's wrong with being so worried? And how are you so bold to ask questions like that?" Chihoon said standing up after.

"No one got worried for me except your mom and my grandma" She muttured. "What?" Chihoon asks.

"I said, you are small" Jihan said standing up. "Im talling than you" Chihoon said taking a step closer.

Jihan got silly and stepped closer. Chihoon was shocked and leaned his head back while Jihan looked up at him, leaning her head a little closer. She smiled as she stared at his orbs. Chihoon started to blush in no time.

She laughed showing her gummy smile.  As she laughs the wind begun to blow, and their hair begun dancing along the beats of the wind.

Chihoon stared at her without an expression, but its obvious that he was not in shock anymore.

They broke eye contact and stepped back upon hearing the door opening. "Oh you guys ate" Lucas said. He went closer and checked the food. "I left some for you. This guy kept eating" She said as she tapped his shoulder. "Thank you!" She gave him a salute.

"Yah You ate like a pig" Chihoon said jogging towards her.

"Ah shut up" "Why blame the food on me" "ah just be quite!" "But your blurnm dhe dud" "Ah don't lick my hand!" "Then you shouldn't have put it in my mouth" "Never knew you could be this disgusting!" "You slap too hard for a girl- ah! Ah! Mian!"

"They are indeed close for a person whom you just met months or a month ago" Lucas said looking at them.

"They left me with the garbage tho.." He said staring at the mess they did.


For the first time, Jihan paid attention, at least a little, to the class. She stared at the bored and taking down notes from time to time. Jihan, being the almost perfect girl she is, the lessons was not that tough for her as a student who barely listens.

The ball rang and the students from the class immediately muttured some cheerful words like "yes" "finally" and some other more. Science was the last subject and the class seems disinterested. Jihan enjoyed the little focusig time she did for the lesson was nice. The teacher taught the class in a boring way tho, must be the reason why they hate it.

"Wow you took down notes" Lucas said as she went to Jihan with his back. "Oh well" she chuckled. "You seem to talk to me often since the supposed to be littlw date earlier" she said glancing at him, while fixing her things. "Me? I literally talked to you like, 3 times this day." Lucas said.

"That is still alot, well let's have a proper 'little day' soon. Take care" She patted his shoulders and went out.

"If I heard it right you were taking down notes" Chihoon said. "Why the hell are you standing there like a handsome guy in a comic book, especially that one of your leg is leaning on the wall and you had your arms crossed. Are you being like this since I compliment your looks so much?" She basically, rapped.

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