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"Do you like Yi Ann?"
"Do you like me?"

They both stopped walking and stared at eachother.

They both stopped walking and stared at eachother

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"Boy you stink!" Hyunwoo exclaimed. "Yah! I told you its not me" Sungho said.

"But still, you are one of lucky people who get to watch it" Hyunwoo said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Early in the morning you are talking about the couple making out" Ji-ae, their female friend, said as Chihoon shook his head in disbelief. The two widemed their eyes. "You knew?"

"Its the hottest topic in school" He said.

"Really?! It spreads so fast!" Sungho laughed. "What's the second?" Hyunwoo asked, curious. "Hong Jihan and Han Yi Ann" Heemi, their other female friend, said.

As she told about the second hottest topic, Chihoon's eyes followed Jihan walked pass by the classroom's window, smiling with Yi Ann.

"That's them right" Sungho said, looking
outside their room. "Eo!"

"But Chihoon...aren't you friend with her? Don't you have something?" Hyunwoo asked, leaning closer.

Chihoon shook his head. "We just met....2-3 months? Ago...You know my mother used to be a maid for them but she was close to my mother. For now she lives with her grandmother and my mom told me to watch her 24/7.

" He explained. "Why is she not living with her parents? And where was she?" Heemi asked. "That is...for her to tell you, if she would want to." Chihoon looked at them.

"It sounds like you knew eachother for more than 3 years!" Sungho laughed. "Ah right! Here Chihoon-ah"

Hyunwoo handed him a folder. Inside it was a portrait of Jihan. "What's that?" Ji-ae asked curiously.

"Ah, he told me to draw that Jihan girl" Hyunwoo smiled. "Jihan...? Wae?" Ji-ae asked again. "I dont know..." "Do you like her?" Sungho leaned closer.

Chihoon looked at him.


"Do you like Yi Ann?"
"Do you like me?"

They both stopped walking and stared at eachother.

"Mwo?!" Both of them said in Unison. "How bold of you to tell me that I like you" he faced her. "And what's with you and Yi Ann? Thats so sudden!" She faced her.

"You still dont know people here" Chihoon told her. "But I have a talent of knowing a person easily" She defended. "And you, why take a picture of me?" She asked.

"Im not im taking a picture of that plant" Chihoon defended pointing a plant across them.

"You and your excuses" they said in unison.

"Arasseo dont tell me" Chihoon said. "Aiish getting angry for no reason!" She shouted. "Yor angry too! And dont shout!" He raised his voice.

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