Chapter 1

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Just another average Monday. You get up at 6:30. Get up, get dressed, and perk your self up by doing your hair and makeup. You go down stairs and start making breakfast. While its cooking, you take your daily pill for ADHD problems.
You go to make sure your two older brothers are awake. You know they're up when they shout at you. Both of them scream, so you go back to breakfast. It's just a microwaveable breakfast sandwich, but you make one every morning anyway. You go brush your teeth and then you go to your car and the real day begins.
Your car is old, but you use it anyway. You got it for your birthday last year from your grandma, but she sold it to your mom so she can give it to you. It's a green Ford Expedition. It was your grandpa's, but he died years ago.
You start the car, making sure you have everything. Then you take drive out of the driveway to go to school. You get out of the neighborhood and on the road. It's not a crowded street on the way, but it is at school. You soon make it to the line of cars, waiting to be able to get to your spot to park. Then you finally get to go. The spot is open just waiting for you. It's another day. You get out of the car, grabbing you stuff out of the trunk. You get to the front of the school. When you go in, you just think about Mark and wanting to get home so you can see him. It's the same everyday. You just say "All day's end at sometime."

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