Chapter 9

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The next day, again same routine. Hair, makeup, clothes, brothers, food, and go. That's until you get on a new routine now.
You look at your phone when you get in your car. It's a text from Mark. He says "good morning :) ."
"He's the best friend you could ever have," you say to yourself while starting up the car.
"I hope these texts become part of my routine now," you say to yourself once more.
You make it to school, same time as always. Homeroom is the same. The whole school day is the same thing, same thoughts same doodling. Such a boring day. At least people don't make 'hump day' jokes any more. You still check Mark's social medias. Of course he doesn't talk about you in the posts because you and him don't want the secret to be out about your friendship. And if it did get out, people would storm.
After school, your at home watching Mark's videos and texting him at the same time.
"There is no way this is happening. This is not real," you say to yourself, but of course it's real.
While you and Mark are texting. He says this "I hope one day we could meet because I've always wanted to have a fan that's also a best friend. it's like when Internet friends meet for the first time."
"I want to see you so bad Mark. It would be a dream come true, but I don't even think my parents would let me. They are divorced so they are live super loving to all the kids so it's like the kids pick a favorite. It's stupid," you text back.
"Meek if they love you, they would do anything for you," Mark says, being inspirational as always.
It's like your heart melts every text. It's hard to believe that out of over five million people, your the one chosen to be best friends with your hero. Actually, you weren't chosen, he chose you because he trusts you and he knows that you won't go around telling everybody that your best friends with Markiplier. It's trust that you both have in each other.

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