Chapter 11

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You get to school and park in your spot. You go into school confidently and walk in with a smile. You get into homeroom and sit in your desk. You don't want to look to confident because then people would think your like on drugs. So you get to your desk and slouch when you sat. You don't know why your so happy, but you have a pretty good idea why.
The bell rings and you go to math. This is the class you have a test in. You think of Mark while the teacher is passing out the test. You think about how much he believes in you. You think about how he told you good luck. It might be dumb to think even though it's a simple test, and making a giant deal about it. But you are already happy because of Mark, and your never really happy in school, so this different for you.
You get handed the test and you start. It's pretty easy, so you just blew through it. When your handed it in, your teacher was shocked because she knows that you don't pay a lot of attention in class and your the first one to hand in the test. The teacher grabs it and you just walk back to your seat smiling.
When you get back to your desk, you pull out your phone and start checking social media. Nothing so far, but you do want to text him, but your scared your teachers going to look up any second at you. So you just put your phone back into your pocket and just lay your head down on your desk and think about Mark.

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