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This is another maid related one but I don't care❤️ thank you guys for over 6k reads too
"Oh y/n~!" You heard Toga calling for you. "What's up Toga?" You called back. "Come here~!" She called. You wondered what she wanted so you got off your bed and walked to her room. "What's up?" You asked opening her door. "Remember our bet yesterday~?" She asked. She had a sly look on her face. You remembered the bet you and Toga made last night. "Umm no? I-I don't know what your talking about" you lied. "I know your lying. Anyway, now you have to do one thing I want you to do" she smiled. You sighed. "Ok what do you want me to do for you?" You asked. "I want you to be a maid for Dabi for one whole day" she said. She grinned very wide. You blushed a little bit. "Wait. WHAT!?" You yelled. "Yup! And I have a costume for you in my closet" she said. She jumped over to the closet and pulled out a maid dress. (It's the same one from the last story because I said so) "please don't do this to me Toga" you pleaded. "Sorry!" She shoved the dress in your arms and shoved you into the closet, "change into the dress!" You sighed deeply again and changed into the dress. You walked out of the closet and Toga looked over at you. "You look perfect" she said. "Whatever" you mumbled. "Now go to Dabi's room and be his maid" she said. She pushed you out of her room and shut the door so you couldn't get back in. You slowly walked over to Dabi's room and knocked on the door. "Who is it and what do you want?" You heard him shout. "It's me" you say. "What do you want?" You heard him shout again. "Just let me in" you sighed. You heard him get up and walk to the door. He opened the door and froze when he saw you. "What are you wearing?" He asked. He was blushing a little bit. "Don't ask" you said, "anyway I have to be a maid for you for a whole day." "But- ok whatever" he cut himself off and let you in his room. "So what do you want me to do?" You asked. "You can pick up the clothes on the floor" he said. He laid back down on his bed and played on his phone as you picked up the clothes.
                      ~5 minutes later~
After picking up the clothes, you sat on the floor waiting for Dabi to tell you to do something else. "What are you waiting for?" He asked looking at you. "What else do you want me to do?" You asked. "Do whatever you want, but you can't leave my room" he said. "Ok" you said. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and started playing games. "There is one thing I want you to do" he interrupted. "What's that?" You asked. You expected it to be a task like cleaning or something, but it was not what you where expecting. "The whole time your my maid, you have to call me master" he smirked. You blushed really hard. "U-umm o-ok" you studdered. "Ok what?" He smirked wider. You gulped. "O-ok m-master" you say kinda quiet. "That's what I thought" Dabi said. He went back on his phone and you did the same. After a little bit of just hanging out in your phones it was getting boring and kinda late. "Y/n go get me a glass of water" Dabi said. "Yes master" you blushed a tiny bit but went out of his room to get him water. When you came back with his water you shit the door behind you and handed it to him. "Thanks" he said. He took the cup out of your hand and tossed the water on you. "HEY!" You yelled, "what the hell!?" "Oops" he said sarcastically. "Why did you do that!? Now my dress is all wet!" You yelled. "Exactly. Now you have to change but your not aloud to leave my room" he smirked. You blushed a little. "Can I barrow a T-shirt or something then?" You groan. "Fine" he said. He got up off his bed and walked over to the closet. He grabbed a white T-shirt and tossed it at you. You catch it and start walking into the closet so you could change. You where about to walk into the closet when Dabi grabbed your arm, turned you around so you where facing him, and pinned you to the wall. "I'll help you babydoll~" he said. He slipped his hands under your dress and took it off. You where blushing very hard. He took the dress fully off and tossed it to the side. He examined your body for a moment. "Can you just give me the shirt already?" You said. "No need to be a brat baby~" he said. He grabbed your chin and forced your face to look at his. He kissed you and you blushed even harder than before. He moved down to your neck and left a hickey. "Here" he gave you the shirt back and laid back down on his bed. You put the shirt on, still trying to comprehend what just happened. "You look a little shocked" he giggled a little. "Shut up" you say. You cross you arms and sat back down on the floor. "You don't have to sit on the floor you know" he said. He moved over in the bed a little to make some room for you. "No it's ok" you said. "Listen to your master" he said in a sexy tone. He patted the spot next to him on the bed. You crawled over on all fours and got onto the bed. You laid on the edge of the bed. "Jesus" he said under his breath. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close to him. Your back was on his chest. "Get comfortable. Your gonna be here all night" he said. You where a little shocked at his comment. You decided to listen anyway. You got all cozy in his arms and accidentally rubbed your ass on his dick. You heard him groan with slight pleasure. You blushed really hard. "Sorry!" You hurried your face in the pillow. "Don't worry about it" he said. He rolled you over so you where facing his chest. You nuzzled into his chest and fell asleep in his arms.

Dabi x reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora