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Another neko one because I saw someone wanted more neko stuff
Relationship status: boyfriend
You woke up to the feeling of Dabi's arm around you. You moved his arm and sat up. Your ears twitched as you stood up out of bed. Your tail slowly started swaying as you walked into the kitchen. You looked at the calendar next to the fridge. It was time. You rushed into the cabinet looking for your pills. 'Fuck' you said to yourself. You ran back into the bedroom and jumped on top of your sleeping boyfriend. You started shaking hun aggressively trying to wake him up. "Dabi get up!" You shouted at him. He groaned and you stopped shaking him. "What?" He asked sleepily. "I need you to get me some heat pills. We ran out and I'm supposed to start today!" You explained. "Ugh I'll do it later" he said pulling the blanket over his head and turned his back to you. "Dabi please~" you said, "I don't want it to start!" "Why can't crusty or psycho bitch do it?" He mumbled. "Because they're not here" you said. He sighed. "Fine I'll get your shit" he said taking the blanket off. He stood up out of bed and walked to the closet. You stared at his shirtless body and blushed. You could feel the heat start kicking in. "Please hurry" you said. "I will" he said walking out of the room with his black hoodie on. You heard the front door open and shut. You where all alone. You curled up in the bed and watched some YouTube on your phone.
                    ~when Dabi came back~
You heard the front door open. You jumped out of bed and ran towards the door. "Did you get them?" You said running over to him. "They where all out" he said. "Ugh!" You slumped over the back of the couch. "The guy said there was another way to get rid of it" he smirked at you. You blushed. "I am well aware of that, but we're not doing it" you said. "You won't be saying that when it hits" he said. He walked into the bedroom.
                       ~another time skip~
You and Dabi where cuddling in bed. Your heat was really kicking in now. You kept moving around trying to get comfortable. "What's wrong princess?" Dabi asked you. "Nothing, I'm just hot" you said, "lemme up for a second." Dabi moved his arm and you got out of bed. You walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. You where all sweaty and gross. 'It's whatever, just gotta make it to the end of the week' you thought to yourself. 'Your gonna be fine.'
~the next day (sorry I'm lazy)~
You woke up from a pain in your stomach. You rolled over to see that Dabi wasn't there. You groaned as you got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. You saw a note on the fridge. It read: I went to the store, I'll be back in a little bit <3 - Dabi. You sighed. Your heat was hitting hard. You sat on the couch and waited for Dabi to return.
~when Dabi returned~
(Sorry there's so many skips btw). Dabi walked through the front door. He looked over and saw you on the couch. You jumped up and ran over to him. You stared at him with lust in your eyes as he placed bags of groceries on the floor. "What?" He stared back at you. You crossed your arms and pouted while still staring at him in the eye. "What do you want from me?" He said. He crossed his arms and stared back at you. You continued to stare at each other until you winced (Idk if that was the right word TwT) from a sharp pain in your stomach. You grabbed your stomach and hunched over a little while making small whimpering noises. "The hell was that" Dabi said. "I-it hurts" you mumbled. "What do you want me to do about it?" He asked. He turned back towards the fridge and started putting the groceries inside. "P-please.." you paused and blushed, "please help me." Dabi smirked. "Help me put these away and I will" he said. You stood in front of Dabi and bent down to grab some things. Your butt rubbed against his...area. (Idk I couldn't think of another word that didn't sound stupid.) Dabi grabbed your hips and threw you onto the wall and pinned you there. "Don't do that" he said into your ear. You grinned slightly. You leaned closer to him and licked his neck and giggled. He grabbed you by the ass and lifted you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist. Your tail swayed back and forth in excitement. Dabi walked both of you to the bedroom and threw you on the bed. He climbed on top of you and started biting your neck. He ripped off your shirt and played with your bra a little. "Stop teasing me~" you complained. Dabi's hand ran down your thigh and to your tail, playing with it gently. Your cheeks turned pink, (the ones on your face😑), and your ears turned hot. You moaned as Dabi twirled your tail around his finger.
~after that because I don't feel like writing lemon rn but if you want it to be a lemon lmk~
You woke up from some noises in the kitchen. You got up and put on one of Dabi's t-shirts. You walked out into the kitchen. Toga was there making breakfast and Dabi was on the couch watching tv. "Morning princess" Dabi said. You smiled and waved back. "Hey y/n!" Toga shouted. "Hi Toga" you said back. You walked into the kitchen and looked over her shoulder at what she was making. "I'm making pancakes, do you want some?" She asked. "Yea sure" you replied. "How was it while me and Shiggy where gone?" She asked. "It was fine" you said. You sat down on a chair and watched her cook. "What did you guys do~?" She asked. "Uh.. we- um" you blushed a little thinking about it. "I had to help her with something" Dabi said from the other room. You looked over and he winked at you. You mentally screamed and looked back at Toga. "Okayyyy" she said, "anyway who wants breakfast!?" She shouted.

Dabi x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now